Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Kyler Miles’ Five Keys To Success: Leveraging Your Business Through An Online Video Presence 

Kyler Miles is a Youtuber, podcaster, filmmaker, and content creation expert. Following his five keys to success can change the trajectory of your business.

Are you trying your best to stay on top of social media trends, but still not getting the engagement you desire? Do you spend hours on end making TikTok’s for your business, just for them to garner a few hundred views before slowing down? 

As the motivated business owner you are, this is a battle you don’t have to face alone. You have an awesome product or service, and it’s about time you get it in front of the right audience. And luckily, you’ve come to the right place. 

We had the opportunity to speak to Kyler Miles, a Chilliwack, B.C., Canada-born expert filmmaker and content creator, who has helped countless individuals in your position learn to step into their higher power both online and offline.

Kyler is a YouTuber, mastermind behind the Making It Happen podcast, and marketing savvy entrepreneur, who shares how you can utilize video marketing to tell your story and connect with your target audience in a meaningful way.

Here are Kyler Miles’ 5 keys to video marketing success that can change the trajectory of your business in a powerful way:

  1. Your Message Is Everything

“The number one thing that you have to focus on is your message,” Kyler says. “It doesn’t matter how ‘aesthetic’ your visuals are, because without having a clear and concise message that resonates with your audience, your content won’t make an impact,” he adds.

The best way to figure out what message you want to share is to ask yourself two questions. First, what is the one learning outcome you want your audience to receive after watching your video? Second, what information is absolutely necessary to share in order to convey this one learning outcome? “If it’s not necessary, don’t say it,” he says.

  1. Pain Is Where The Heart Is

When you’re thinking of the message you want to convey, Kyler says the best thing you can do for marketing is hit a pain point. “Because we’re emotional creatures, we buy more based on emotion and then justify it with logic,” he says. So when you’re crafting your message, focus not only on your customer’s logical pain points but also on the emotions that pain point brings. This step is about connecting with your audience on a deeper level, and allowing them to learn more about your product or service in a way that impacts their life.

  1. Consistency = Currency

“The more you show up consistently online, the more trust you’ll build with your audience, thus the more brand equity you’ll have,” Kyler shares. “Success online isn’t about how ‘cool’ your video is, it’s about how consistent you are at bringing value to your audience,” he adds.

Once you’ve figured out the message you want to convey to your audience and you’ve established a pain point, the next step is to consistently share it. If you consistently share something emotionally, such as your pain, your vision, or your goals, it can be transformative for your audience, who may be experiencing similar emotions, or striving for similar results. 

  1. Show, Not Tell

There’s something powerful in showing emotion or showing the visual aspect of your product or service, versus just telling your audience about it when standing in front of a camera. “I could just stand here and tell you about my product, or I could show you customers who are using it and the results that it gives them. What do you think will be more meaningful?” Kyler asks. 

“You want to show and not always tell,” he says. “A lot of people get caught up in the script of what they want to say, but they forget that a picture says 1000 words,” he adds. Video is a visual medium so it’s important to use it to its fullest capacity. 

  1. The Secret To Growing Online

“The #1 secret a lot of people overlook when trying to grow online is collaboration,” he says. “Collaboration is huge because you’re learning from other people. From a podcast perspective, if you’re interviewing someone, you’re collaborating, you’re exchanging ideas, and you’re helping eachother grow,” Kyler explains.

Collaboration is also great for networking and getting your name out there. When asked about his most successful business collaboration to date, Kyler cites Natasha Graziano as being the most influential. “She already has an amazing following, but helping her articulate her passion and message into video has been the most rewarding part of my career,” he says.

All of these steps, from honing your message, hitting a “pain point,” turning your consistency into currency, showing not telling, and collaborating with others will all help you to share your “why” and your story in the most effective way possible. “If you don’t tell your story online, the truth is, no one will want to work with you,” Kyler says. “People work with who they like, who they trust, and whose story resonates with them,” he concludes. 

With the rising relevance of storytelling on social media, it’s imperative for entrepreneurs and business owners to utilize video marketing to clearly communicate a story, convey emotions, and connect to their audience all at once. 

If you can hit all five of Kyler key objectives in one video, your content will stand out from your competitors and generate leads. If you want to Make It Happen today, be sure to tap in with Kyler Miles on social media to learn more.

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