Chris Kostantewicz’s Strategic Pivot: A Doctor's Prescription for Dermatology Dominance
Photo Courtesy: Chris Kostantewicz

Chris Kostantewicz’s Strategic Pivot: A Doctor’s Prescription for Dermatology Dominance

By: John Glover (MBA)

In medicine, as in business, adaptation is not just advantageous—it’s essential. Enter Chris Kostantewicz, the marketing maverick behind ck media, whose ability to pivot has become nothing short of textbook-worthy. Since 2018, ck media has been serving an eclectic mix of clients, much like a general practitioner seeing everything from coughs to cardiac events. But by 2023, the market conditions had shifted, forcing Chris to ask a question every good doctor knows by heart: “Do I need a second opinion on my approach?”

The prognosis was clear: without focusing on a specific niche, his business growth would stagnate—an unacceptable outcome for someone as driven as Chris. “I was starting to get a little discouraged,” Chris admits, with the candor of a seasoned clinician after a long shift. “After running this as my main gig for so long, I was worried I’d have to hang up my stethoscope, metaphorically speaking.” But instead of retreating, Chris opted for a bold course of treatment: specialization in dermatology.

From Burnout to Breakthrough—An Expert Diagnosis

Chris’s decision to zero in on dermatologists didn’t arise from a random act of desperation; much like a differential diagnosis, it was the result of years of observation and clinical expertise. Having worked with med spas and plastic surgeons, he knew the anatomy of the industry. But the catalyst was meeting a high-profile celebrity dermatologist in Idaho, a moment of clarity akin to identifying the underlying pathology in a puzzling case. “That encounter was my eureka moment,” Chris explains. “I realized I wanted to work with dermatologists—they’re sharp, meticulous, and know their stuff. What more could you ask for?”

In medicine, patient relationships are vital. In business, clients aren’t much different. Chris has long understood the importance of developing close, personal ties with his clientele. “It’s not about checking off boxes,” he notes, with the precision of someone who’s aced a few too many rounds of board exams. “Behind every title and white coat, there’s a person. And to really succeed, you need to engage with that person—get to know them. That’s when they trust you.”

And thus, DermLeads was born—a service as targeted as a specialist’s referral. Designed exclusively for dermatologists and aesthetic derms, the platform grew exponentially, reaching a critical mass of top-tier physicians. “We’ve doubled our network every month,” Chris says, the confidence of a surgeon who knows the procedure’s gone well. “Once you build trust with one dermatologist, it’s like a patient referral: they pass your name around to colleagues. Suddenly, you’re the go-to.”

Chris Kostantewicz’s Strategic Pivot: A Doctor's Prescription for Dermatology Dominance
Photo Courtesy: Chris Kostantewicz

DermLeads: The Scalpel of Niche Marketing

Dermatology, it turns out, was exactly the right specialty to pursue. By narrowing his focus, Chris was able to enhance his offering, akin to a physician honing their expertise in a subspecialty. DermLeads quickly became a sought-after resource, helping dermatologists not only grow their practices but also connect with other key players in their field.

Currently operating under ck media’s larger umbrella, DermLeads is poised for further expansion. Chris envisions an empire where DermLeads will not just be an industry leader—it will be a vital part of the dermatological ecosystem. “My ultimate goal,” Chris shares, with the foresight of a specialist with a vision, “is to build a company that could be sold for millions. Our proprietary system connects dermatologists with each other and leading brands, creating opportunities that just didn’t exist before.”

Chris Kostantewicz’s Strategic Pivot: A Doctor's Prescription for Dermatology Dominance
Photo Courtesy: Chris Kostantewicz

From the Clinic to the Boardroom: A Vision in Focus

Chris’s journey from generalist to specialist offers a masterclass in adaptation and innovation. Like a doctor faced with an evolving patient condition, Chris assessed the market’s vital signs and adjusted accordingly. And, much like in medicine, his ability to pivot was key to success.

As he looks to the future, Chris is confident that DermLeads will continue to grow, solidifying its place as a dominant force in the dermatology sector. “It’s all about relationships,” he says. “When you take the time to understand what people need, you can provide them with solutions they didn’t even know were possible.”

With DermLeads thriving and ck media as its backbone, Chris Kostantewicz is not only positioning himself for success—he’s setting a new standard for how to approach business in dermatology. His strategy isn’t just one of survival; it’s a case study in thriving, in leaving a lasting impact on an industry by understanding its intricacies and treating it with the care and precision it deserves.

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Published By: Aize Perez

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