A Mother, Police Officer and Death Doula

Being a woman is both difficult and a blessing. Women are considered the backbone of not just a family but the entire society. They build a family, prepare food, educate their children, and make them productive for society. There are a number of responsibilities that women need to fulfill, and the most important one is being a mother. No one loves unconditionally except for mother; she sacrifices her own happiness to ensure her children’s best life. In this world, no one’s love can be compared to a mother’s love, which is pure, sincere, and unconditional. The responsibilities of mothers cannot be counted on fingers; even if they are housewives, they are busy taking care of their children and cooking meals for them. A mother’s job is difficult, and it becomes tougher for working mothers. Being a responsible mother while contributing to society is not everyone’s capacity. They look after their families very well and perform great jobs in their profession. One such example comes from a working mother, Nicole Thrones; she is a mother, a former police officer, and a death doula. Nicole is a role model for all women around the globe, willing to do something for society while raising their kids the best way.

Life is never easy; there are obstacles on the path, and only those achieve their dreams successfully who are passionate about it. Passion allows people to stay committed to their dreams and never lets them give up easily. No matter how big the responsibilities are, with patience and consistent effort, one can achieve whatever they want to. Life is all about being happy and gaining satisfaction. Both happiness and satisfaction come with success and helping others. Those who stay committed to their dreams might reach their destination slowly, but they achieve in the end. Nicole is an example. In the middle of her college days, Nicole became a mother. Now she had kids to look after and a dream to pursue. Unlike others, she could have given up on her studies to focus on her children. But she chose to manage both things the best way. When she realized her kids needed more attention, she took a break from her studies but didn’t give it up. She managed time and later successfully pursued her Criminal Justice degree from Wor Wic Community College. Born on January 9, 1980, Nicole Thrones is not just a mother but a former police officer working as a mother of society. She joined the police with a passion for helping people. She still believes that one who helps others in their needs lives a satisfying life. This was the reason she chose the police career and later became a death doula with the same intention of helping others and supporting dying and their families.

In her early career, she worked as a sales clerk at Barb’s Gift & Hallmark. Then she studied criminal justice to develop her career as a police. While raising kids and serving as a police officer, she always believed in bringing peace to her society and helping people in their time of need. Unfortunately, an injury ended her career. Despite going through medical retirement, she did not stop. Although she couldn’t continue contributing to society being a police officer due to a career-ending injury, she had other ways. She didn’t give up and started her new career as a death doula. She finds satisfaction in helping people and is doing so in the death industry by comforting and supporting the dying and their families. Nicole is a woman of ambition, dreams, and kindness. She is a mother, a former police officer, and a death doula, creating an example for women around the world.

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