The Importance Of Making Time, And How Melts Infusions Can Help

Written by: Tedfuel

It’s officially summer, which means our senses and surroundings are amplified and absorbing everything under the sun, including the sun. Whether you’ve got your car loaded for a string of road trips or you’re planning to keep it low-key poolside, the season is bound to bring all kinds of stimulations, and under the heat of so much excitement, it’s imperative that we keep our mind and soul aligned throughout the adventures. Melts Infusions, the Vancouver-based wellness brand, is simplifying this balancing act through holistic, medicinal extracts that work wonders on the body and the brain, allowing us to spend more time making memories and less time sweating the small stuff.

Back in 2019, Sanaz Bahrami, founder of Melts Infusions, experimented at home with an Ayurvedic blend of proprietary herbs like ashwagandha, lavender, skullcap, and motherwort, among others. Bahrami herself has a history in overcoming a long term struggle with anxiety, ADHD, and depression, and the directions prescribed by modern medicine just didn’t hit the mark. Even in college, where she earned her Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, Bahrami noticed classmates abusing the effects of prescription drugs like Adderall to achieve a mangled perception of alertness and stimulation. Noticing a noisy disparity in clean, natural mental health, Bahrami set out to correct the narratives surrounding mental health awareness and provide a natural solution to anyone struggling with anxiety, ADHD, or depression. Her use of nootropic plants and adaptogenic superfoods is the stuff of the earth and techniques that have existed in other parts of the world for centuries. Bahrami’s earlier concoctions, nicknamed “peace tea”, eventually became the formulas integrated into her two signature blends, called “Uplift” and “Unwind”, appropriately. At its core, Melts Infusions takes on the responsibility of reminding us of the importance of self-care and making time for the body, mind, and spirit.

In digital domains, Bahrami communicates her expertise to a large following of curious individuals seeking a fresh take on health and wellness. She shared her first TikTok video in December of 2020, generating waves of response and support. Bahrami cultivated a strong, dedicated sea of followers on the new platform, where she currently enjoys over 7 million video views per month. On TikTok, Bahrami accounts for 260K followers, while the brand’s backup account is already at 62K and climbing. Her social media prowess held court and now it continues to garner the attention of professional NBA and NFL athletes like Superbowl champion Ryan Smith (@everythingfordeuce) of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and global personalities like Kiyomi Leslie (@kiyomileslie (pictured below on the right)) from “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta” and Mandy Milano, the Canadian lifestyle and beauty influencer (@mandy.milano pictured below on the left). Bahrami’s videos are complementary to Melts Infusions and seek to break down the barriers between consumer and creator. On Instagram, Bahrami maintains a similar zeal of authority, routinely posting content that dissects the misperceptions surrounding herbal medicine. This kind of approach, full of warmth and compassion, is what truly separates Melts Infusions from market competitors. Their blends are completely natural and safe to use for daily support or need-based relief, primarily in those moments where you don’t know where to turn. It all boils down to peace of mind, and knowing exactly what you’re putting into your body.

The base of Melts Infusions’ signature oils are a variety of adaptogenic plants, tools that function as botanical pharmaceuticals, designed by mother earth to alleviate stress and bring a state of balance into our daily routines. Certain plants concentrate on a specific area of the mind and body to drive a positive response to stress. These are the kinds of ingredients that Bahrami works with, names that we’re already quite familiar with like holy basil, ashwagandha, and ginseng. Melts Infusions achieve a gentle success that oversteps conventional methods of self-care, and as we know, self-care begins with the self. Only you can make that decision, and only we know what’s best for our bodies.


Of course, part of the beauty in their wellness blends is the immediacy and luxurious appeal that Melts Infusions brings to self-care, where daily maintenance and occasional pampering share houses. Both of Melts Infusions’ oil extracts, along with their batch of wildcrafted sea moss capsules, add another layer of elegance to treating your mind and body in regular routines. The oils can be applied directly below the tongue or stirred into your favorite afternoon tea/smoothie, perfectly concealed into a weekend bag, fanny pack, or duffle for easy access. Maintaining your health doesn’t have to be time consuming or stressful, and Bahrami speaks on experience when she dissects the misperceptions surrounding mental health and wellness. Her own journey, like so many others, begins by listening to your body and understanding what it needs. This summer, with Melts Infusions by your side, the next adventure will unfold with optimal clarity, calm, and elevated curiosity with every drop. 

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