Hair Restoration: Choosing the Right Procedure for You

Hair Restoration Choosing the Right Procedure for You _2

Did you know that about two-thirds of American men will have suffered some degree of hair loss by the time they turn 35? This number will rise to about 85% by the time they turn 50. But it’s not a men-only issue. About 50% of women will also experience some form of hair loss at some point in their lives. [1] [2]

But you don’t have to let these numbers define you. Modern hair restoration offers a variety of solutions to help you regain a head full of hair and boost your confidence. This guide will walk you through a few so you can make an informed decision.

Exploring Your Options

Statista projects that about 13 million Americans will use hair regrowth products in 2024. This is significantly higher than the around 11.3 million recorded five years earlier. [3]

If you’re planning to pursue this option, it would be a good idea to be appraised of options for hair restoration in NYC or other places near you. This article will begin with surgical options.

Surgical methods

Surgical hair transplantation involves moving hair follicles from your scalp (usually the back or sides) to areas experiencing baldness. This allows for permanent hair growth in the transplanted areas. 

Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is a pretty common solution. Data published in the National Library of Medicine shows almost a quarter million surgical hair restoration procedures worldwide in 2019. This was a 16% increase from 2016. [4]

These are the two common hair transplantation types:

  • Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

This procedure extracts a scalp strip with robust hair follicles from the donor’s head. This strip is then dissected under magnification into tiny grafts containing one to several hair follicles. The hair transplant specialist then transplants these follicles into the recipient’s scalp. 

FUT can be a good option if you have a lot of laxity (looseness) in the scalp donor area. However, it does leave a linear scar at the donor site, which can be quite a drawback.

If you think FUT is the most suitable hair transplant procedure for your specific case, turn to experts. Opt for a clinic with highly skilled and experienced surgeons to ensure the ideal results.

  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE)

This method involves extracting individual follicular units from the donor with the help of specialized tools. This leaves only tiny dot-like scars easily concealed by surrounding hair. 

FUE is a popular choice for its minimally invasive nature and minimal scarring. However, you can expect it to be a more time-consuming procedure than FUT.

Choosing between FUT and FUE

Both FUT and FUE can achieve excellent results in hair restoration. The right option for you will depend on:

  • Extent of hair loss: If you have a large area of baldness, FUT might be a more efficient way to harvest a larger number of grafts.
  • Scalp laxity: FUT is generally better suited for people with looser scalp in the donor area.
  • Desired outcome and scar visibility: If minimizing scarring is a major concern, FUE might be the preferred choice due to its minimal dot-like scars.

To know the right procedure for your situation, consult a qualified hair transplant surgeon. They’ll assess your scalp, discuss your hair loss goals, and recommend the most appropriate technique.

Non-surgical methods

These approaches can slow down hair loss, promote regrowth, or create a fuller appearance without needing an incision. Here are some non-surgical options for you to explore:


Medical options like minoxidil and finasteride have been known to slow down hair loss and even increase hair growth, especially in the early stages.

However, these meds come with side effects. Finasteride, for example, can lead to lower libido. Also, keep in mind that results are not instantaneous. It may take a few months to see the first fruits if you use your medication consistently.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy

This newer treatment involves injecting your own concentrated platelets back into your scalp. The idea is that these platelets contain growth factors that can stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth. 

PRP therapy is still being researched, but it shows promise for some people. Consult a doctor who’s well-versed in hair restoration to determine whether you’re a good candidate for PRP.

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP)

This cosmetic procedure creates the appearance of thicker hair on your head with tiny tattooed dots that mimic hair follicles. SMP can be a good option if you’ve got significant hair loss but don’t want surgery. However, visit a skilled and experienced practitioner to ensure natural-looking results.

The suitable non-surgical method for you depends on the cause and extent of your hair loss and your individual goals and preferences. Also, remember that non-surgical methods may not completely reverse hair loss, but they can be very effective in slowing it down, promoting some regrowth, or creating a fuller appearance.

Hair Restoration Choosing the Right Procedure for You

Choosing the right procedure for you

Finding an effective hair restoration solution is all about personalization. Here are some key factors to consider when making your decision:

Extent of hair loss

The amount of hair loss you’re experiencing will influence which options are most suitable. Medications might be a good starting point for early hair loss, while surgical transplantation may be more effective for advanced baldness.

Scalp laxity (looseness)

This plays a role in surgical hair transplantation. FUT is generally better suited for individuals with looser scalp in the donor area, allowing for easier harvesting of follicular units.

Hair quality (donor area)

Healthy hair follicles in the donor area are crucial for successful transplantation. The surgeon will assess your donor hair’s quality, density, and growth pattern.

Desired outcome and expectations

Do you want to regrow hair, slow down loss, or create a fuller appearance? Realistic expectations are important. Non-surgical methods may not completely reverse hair loss, but they can effectively manage it.

Cost and recovery time

Hair restoration procedures vary in cost. Medication is typically the most affordable option, while surgery is a significant investment. Consider upfront costs as well as potential ongoing expenses for medication or maintenance treatments. Recovery time also differs. Non-surgical methods generally have minimal downtime, while surgery requires some healing time.


Ultimately, choosing the right hair restoration procedure depends on your preference, budget, and desired outcome. But before you make any choice, get the input of a qualified dermatologist or hair restoration specialist.

These pros can help you understand your options and choose the suitable approach for your situation. They can also advise you on realistic expectations and potential side effects.


1. “Male Pattern Baldness,” Source:

2. “Hair Loss in Women,” Source:

3. U.S. population: Usage of hair regrowth products from 2012 to 2024,” Source:

4. “Hair Transplantation in the United States: A Population-based Survey of Female and Male Pattern Baldness,” Source:


Published by: Martin De Juan

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