From Dream to Reality: How Johanna Vizmanos Paved the Way for Filipino Representation in the American Beauty Industry
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From Dream to Reality: How Johanna Vizmanos Paved the Way for Filipino Representation in the American Beauty Industry

Photo Credit: @izyohanna

In 2017, Johanna Vizmanos, a proud Filipina native, made her move to the United States only to discover an inescapable truth: the American beauty industry lacked Filipino representation. This neglect was startling given how Filipinos represent a substantial portion of the Asian community in the U.S. The glaring disparity planted a seed of change in Johanna’s mind, a change she was ambitious and an idea to set in motion.

“I was truly inspired to bridge this gap, and aspired to become one of the pioneer Filipino entrepreneurs in America,” Johanna passionately elaborates during an interview with Preview. Combining her enthusiasm for makeup, community building, and representation, Johanna joined forces with Angela Weinberg, a like-minded entrepreneur, to establish Kolorete Cosmetics. This marked the birth of the first Filipino co-owned luxury lipstick brand in America—a step towards filling the representation void in the American beauty scene.

Deviating from the conventional, the identification with Johanna’s cultural heritage was intrinsic to the Kolorete Cosmetics. The brand’s name is a direct nod to Johanna’s Filipino roots—”Kolorete”, a Tagalog term which connotes makeup, lipstick, and coloring. As Kolorete’s Chief Marketing Officer, Johanna envisioned the brand to truly echo the spirit of her home country through every decision, every product, every endeavor.

Categorizing itself as a high-end, Kolorete Cosmetics is committed to redefining the perception of luxury. The brand emphasizes diversity, equity, inclusion and strives to reflect these values beyond mere talk. Alongside its social commitment, Kolorete ardently promotes sustainability and natural ingredients—a testament to their dedication to healthy beauty standards. The brand introduced its first product, the Super Hydrating Lipstick Balm, in 2021.

In a featured article in Go Solo By Subkit, Johanna expresses her love for her newfound journey, “…by creating something that’s never been done and recognized before, it feels extremely gratifying to see my dream turn into reality”. This statement is reflective of Johanna’s sense of fulfillment as she witnesses her vision—born from the urgency for change—blossom into fruition, paving the way for more Filipino entrepreneurs to follow suit.

Johanna’s journey with Kolorete Cosmetics proves that initiating change can be daunting, yet rewarding. The road to inclusivity and representation may not be linear, but with visionaries like Johanna leading the charge, the prospect for change becomes ever more possible.

Witness the journey of Johanna Vizmanos and the rise of Kolorete Cosmetics as they push boundaries in the beauty industry by following her on Instagram: @izyohanna. Immerse yourselves in the world of inclusive luxury cosmetics, complete with vibrant colors and heart-warming stories, all stemming from the humble roots of a Filipina who dared to dream and make a difference.

Johanna Vizmanos’s journey becomes more than just a confirmation of her own aspiration, but an inspiring example of how determination and a deep sense of cultural pride can propel a brand towards breaking norms and diversifying the world of luxury beauty. Today, Kolorete Cosmetics stands as a testament to not just Johanna’s courage and determination, but also to the possibility of inclusive entrepreneurship. As they continue to thrive and make waves in the beauty industry, they act as a beacon of hope to all those who are underrepresented and strive to make a mark in industries that, until now, have lacked diversity. With Kolorete Cosmetics, Johanna Vizmanos proves that perspective, passion, and perseverance can indeed reform an industry.

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