Friday, April 19, 2024

Cody Jefferson – A Mentor By Choice And Not By Chance

With an unshakeable confidence, welcoming demeanor and unique style of living, it’s no surprise Cody Jefferson’s Embrace The Lion has become the refuge and catalyst for countless men in business. He understands that the impact of work-life “balance” can be exhausting to the point where one is stuck in a tedious loop; a cyclical pattern that worsens as one loses interest, motivation, and finds themselves wondering what it’s all for and why it doesn’t feel like they thought it would. 

Cody, through the various opportunities found within ETL, pays special attention to the issues faced by businessmen, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs who, in the pursuit of success, create chaos in other areas of their life. While this chaos is certainly not deliberate, the frustration that mounts for men in business with families is palpable. From feeling overwhelmed, burned out, bored, stuck to being deeply fulfilled, spiritually alive, physically fit, financially scaling, relationally intimate and self-reliant, Cody transforms his clients. He is a true mentor who never leaves his clients stranded and instead gives them a pathway to accomplish that deeper fulfillment and joy in all areas of life. 

Cody Jefferson is today able to help others because he was able to help himself. After a devastating season of immense loss, burying 8 family members and friends within a year while going through a divorce, it was then he recognized the fragility of life and the mediocre level at which he was playing. While it took courage and resilience to overcome the personal trauma, it took even more to recognize that, as a pastor of over 10 years, he’d become a “yes” man whose self-worth was completely wrapped up in title, position, and affirmation. The stress and overwhelm took him into early sepsis in 2016 where, in a hospital room where he could have easily died, he looked in the mirror and asked himself this question: “What needs to die in you to become the man you said you’d be? Is this your legacy? Dying to save everyone else and leaving your son fatherless because you couldn’t say ‘no’ to your work?”

Embrace the Lion was born. He did not step into this field by chance but by choice after seeing many good men sacrifice their souls on the altar of their success. Today, under his mentorship, thousands of people have been able to scale their businesses without burning out while becoming the healthiest, most fulfilled versions of themselves in the process. He is also recognized as one of the top keynote speakers in the country, effortlessly weaving together 20 years of storytelling from the stage. As he says, “I may have stepped out of the pulpit, but it was all preparation for this platform God had planned all along.”

Cody Jefferson provides the best tools for men to dream of a king’s life and live one. His enthusiasm, empathy, and expertise give him an edge over the others. He values his client’s time and resources and ensures that every second they spend in the process is resourceful. Cody Jefferson’s passion has helped him become a powerhouse in his industry and a household name in coaching. With all his notoriety, to sit with Cody, you’ll be a humble man who wishes the best for others and simply wants to be known as “Stetson’s dad.”

Presented by The Vici Agency

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