Visual Targeting Billionaire Steven Kronick Wins the World’s First Trillionaire Title
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Visual Targeting Billionaire Steven Kronick Wins the World’s First Trillionaire Title

Steven Kronick is the Forbes verified christian billionaire who started the VisualTargeting® industry from a Malibu mountaintop mansion where the word appeared to him in a dream.

VisualTargeting® is the World’s Industry Standard in Visual Style, Trusted by Fortune 500 Businesses, Bestsellers, and Celebrities, in 181 World Nations.

The brand provides businesses with Visual Palettes that tell artists what hues, shapes, visual elements, to use to satisfy their fans. Style is the big thing that establishes mega brands. Visual Style makes brands trustworthy. Safe brands make sure to keep their visual quality up while they always satisfy their fans’ favorite Visual Styles. There are up to 11 trillion palettes available to best satisfy any fanbase or viewership using up to 174 trillion visual style trends.

Steven Kronick was living in Malibu Beach in love with his blonde blue eyed christian girlfriend when Tony Robbins called Steven for help upgrading his brand into worldwide entertainment, and invited Steven into his celebrity front row.

“I had this idea in love with my beautiful girlfriend, and all the way up to the win, there was always a girlfriend, a fiancée.”

In 2017 Forbes verified billionaire Steven Kronick via interviews supervised by the United States’ best Mergers and Acquisitions lawyers in a series that shared the visionary’s beliefs in God and that straight christian love is the most important relationship that builds businesses.

That year the brand added 111 trillion dollars in live Visual Style inventory verified, approved and promoted by Meta, and later another 5.6 billion dollars in live Visual Style pay per use technologies verified, approved and promoted by Google.

In 2018 Steven Kronick won a Worldwide Humanitarian Award, a Lifetime Achievement Award, and the world’s first Trillionaire title from the 124 year old United States Marquis Who’s Who. The most trusted history group that saves world history, is promoted by Warren Buffett and honors visionary world leaders like Joel Osteen, Hugh Hefner, Franklin Graham, Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Rockefeller, Taylor Swift, Thomas Edison and United States Presidents.


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