8 Authors Guiding Us Into A Better 2022

Why wait until the new year to start building a better version of yourself? Building a better version of yourself is not easy, but it’s always worth the journey.

These must-follow authors know that firsthand, and showcase the knowledge that lets us move on after health hurdles, relationship break-ups, losses of loved ones, and overcoming self-limiting beliefs.

The famous abolitionist, public speaker and statesman Frederick Douglas is famously quoted for saying “once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” It’s hard not to feel the same way after reading stories from these authors.

These authors create powerful visions for helping you find purpose in life, and help establish mindsets that allow us to reframe your intentions for goals ahead.

Their authority and experiences resulted in captivating stories that can inspire and help guide you into a better 2022.

Discover below these top 8 authors guiding us into a better 2022:

Michael Tranmer

author of satori ananda – awaken to happiness

Michael Tranmer is helping those faced with starting over and finding a new path in life. His writing presents the ultimate problem many are faced with having to ask themselves: “Who am I now?”

Following the sudden end of his marriage, this engineer-turned-author journeyed inward to re-engineer his life after being faced with the sadness of being lost and alone. His memoir satori ananda – awaken to happiness, fearlessly shares his transformation from emotionally caged and heartbroken, to self-aware and fully expressed.

Michael’s captivating story clearly shares what lifted him out of his sorrows, thanks to discovering mindfulness and spirituality. In this eye-opening story Michael details the practical steps that guided him to move forward and create the life of his dreams. This is a must-read for anyone going through challenging times and wanting to get clear on who they want to become. Today, Michael is passionate about empowering young professional engineers to become powerful communicators and impactful leaders.

Discover how Michael ultimately awakened himself and now finds ultimate happiness in what is being called “The millennial equivalent to eat, pray, love.”


Ashley Black, Author of BE…: From Passion and Purpose to Product and Prosperity

#1 National best-selling author, Ashley Black has emerged as an invaluable resource for the 4+ million women who follow her and want to elevate their lives by unearthing their passions— working towards creating and scaling businesses on their own terms, tapping into Divine Feminine Energy and overcoming self-limiting beliefs.

So, what happens when three powerhouse female entrepreneurs gather to discuss how to build the businesses and lives of their dreams? It results in a new book full of intimate discussion on female empowerment. One of the women behind it is Ashley Black, who was named by The American Business Association as Entrepreneur of the Year for Health and Beauty in 2020!

Ashley is the mastermind for one of the most revolutionary health and wellness brands in history. She founded her 9 figure FasciaBlaster® empire to help millions look and feel better by regenerating fascia tissue. She created treatment methods for her new realm of science: Fasciology™ — the study of fascia. She also authored The Cellulite Myth: It’s Not Fat, It’s Fascia, which topped the charts in Spirituality, Self Help and Overall. And her writing career is not stopping there!

Now, she’s added another accomplishment to her list. Her next book BE…: From Passion and Purpose to Product and Prosperity, co-written by two other seasoned entrepreneurs, Korie Minkus, and Lisa Vrancken. They share that women don’t have business problems, they have personal problems that affect their businesses. They share their journey in a candid telling of their personal stories that have been transformed into an inspirational guide. Let this book illuminate a path to the entrepreneurial life you’ve always wanted.


Natasha Grano, author of The Action Plan: How to Implement the Law of Attraction into Your Life in Under an Hour

As a successful global influencer and named #1 Motivational Speaker under 40 in the world, Natasha Grano often asks “Are you ready to start leading your best life?” If you answer yes, her new book will help you maximize success in your life!

This best-selling author and manifestation expert empowers people’s purposes in life by teaching actionable practical steps to design the life they want. Let her new book, The Action Plan, equip you with the tools to success, positivity, health, and happiness.

Natasha’s wisdom draws from these personal experiences of depression, anxiety, divorce, and illness to help give you a shortcut to the perfect life. Once broken, homeless, bed bound, feeling like she had nothing to live for, she sought tools to help her change her life. She describes her book as ‘the words she wishes somebody had given her’.  Academy Award Winning Producer Chris Branch thinks her way of writing “will resonate better with the people that really need help. It’s small steps that make a big difference.” Draw on Natasha’s experiences, and let The Action Plan elevate you to your highest level.

Read the secrets to building a life of fulfillment in Natasha’s new book, The Action Plan.


Davinia Taylor, author of “It’s Not A Diet”

It’s Not A Diet: The Number One Sunday Times & Amazon bestseller in paperbacks – available also on audiobook and Kindle edition 

In her new book, It’s Not a Diet, Davinia Taylor champions a holistic approach to achieving a healthy body and mind. As an English Actress and socialite, she’s struggled with her health for much of her life.

This tenacious woman turned to a do-it-yourself approach to changing her health and well-being, through bio-hacking— and it worked!  It’s hard to believe Davinia used to be overweight, depressed and unmotivated. In fact, she could barely walk around the block or go for a run, or keep up with her four children!

Over the years, she spent thousands of dollars on fad diets, specialists, and trying the most cutting-edge therapies available, but nothing worked long-term— until she transformed her life using high quality ingredients and blending lifestyle changes.

Her advice starts with focusing energy on becoming the most healthy version of yourself. To aid others in this process she’s founded WillPowders, a science driven, female focused biohacking community.

In her new book  It’s Not A Diet Davina shares how she improved her physical health and mental wellness with a more rounded, holistic approach that worked so brilliantly for her; and is accessible now for you too to become the best version of yourself!


Tammy Revard, author of The True Airhead

Tammy Revard is challenging you to overcome mental blocks and your self-limiting beliefs. She believes what Zig Ziglar of Ziglar Inc. once said: “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” That’s perhaps why Tammy’s book is importantly recognized and endorsed by his son Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar Inc, and other important top entrepreneurs like Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington and Dr. Stan Harris.

This courageous woman is a resilient survivor of low-self esteem and struggles caused by brain injury. Tammy, now known as “the true airhead” shares her empowering journey to success by having written her first novel despite this irreversible injury to her brain shown on an MRI.

This traumatic event left part of her brain missing following an allergic reaction to mold that caused lack of oxygen to her brain during an asthma attack. The experience left her struggling with reading, writing, and even holding a part-time job.

Her memoir, also titled “The True Airhead”, details how anyone who perseveres can find their true potential within themselves no matter what hardships they face along the way. Encouragingly, she states “if I can do it with part of my brain missing, you can do it with a full brain.”


Jim Kwik author of “Limitless”         

Jim Kwik is famously known as the world’s #1 Brain coach and “Kwik Learning” CEO.

In the tech-centric era, netizens are losing their ability to memorize information. Jim Kwik stepped forward to help people to maximize their memory and give solutions to master their minds.

In his childhood, he endeavored to read and speak. But, his dark experiences shaped him to understand the brain and made him a master. After years of hard work and determination, he has cracked the code of the human brain. Now, with his knowledge and research, he’s teaching people to learn faster and to improvise their memory.

The author believes negative thoughts stop humans from becoming geniuses. He advises programming the brain to earn the dream life.

His book “Limitless” outlines the mindset and enhances productivity and transforms the lives of people who lack guidance.

In the book, the author unfolds various layers of the human brain that are the root of failures. Moreover, he provides the answers to beat the negative virus. The book focuses on 4 major parts i.e. meta-learning, mindset, mission, and motivation.

Jim Kwik has successfully transformed many lives and Elon Musk is one of them.


Russel Brunson – Author of Expert Secrets

Russel Brunson is the incomparable digital marketer of the era and the co-founder of click funnels. Also, people recognize him as an author, coach, speaker, and American storyteller. He has captured everybody’s attention with his marketing books and strategies. In the initial years of his career, with his skills and knowledge, he received responses from uncountable customers. He has been actively reconstructing the lives of entrepreneurs. From the start, Russel has the vision and willpower to change the world. He has successfully delivered a Ted talk and motivated young brains and entrepreneurs. The recent hyped book worldwide is

“Expert Secrets” which is adding value to people’s lives. It is helping the population to establish an audience. The book “Expert Secrets” educates readers about business and online marketing. Russel shares some quick shortcuts to become rich. He’s on a journey to create true leaders, help them to find their voices, and boost their confidence. At the end of the read, you will see your updated version. Russel is on a mission to assist you so that you can figure out your story and clear your

lens. Inside the “Expert Secrets,” Russel has penned down beneficial information for you. Read the book, implement the learnings, and know why Russel Brunson is a pro at online marketing.


Daymond John – Author of Powershift: Transform Any Situation, Close Any Deal, and Achieve Any Outcome

The American businessman Daymond John is not only a motivational speaker but, a television star, and investor. He is also the CEO and founder of Shark group Fubu and a published bestselling author in the New York Times.

After facing obstacles in his childhood, an ambitious spirit was imbued in him.

The author believes life is a series of negotiations. Similar thoughts are reflected in his book “Powershift”. In the book, the author will share 3 steps to master influence, negotiation, and relationship.

Daymond’s main focus in the book is to serve principles of success. This book is an absolute fit for anyone who is willing to upskill their life game.

The “Powershift” book helps you to shift your power to approach positivity and give directions to your thoughts. The book is not only designed for entrepreneurs but also targets to help everyday individuals. “Powershift” serves the purpose.

Daymond is thrilled to support you in your journey to transform your situation, close any deal and achieve an outcome that you crave.

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