Thursday, April 25, 2024

Seth VanDaele, Director & Co-Founder Of Cormier Media Talks About His Entrepreneurial Journey

Cormier Media Steps In The Digital Marketing World Bringing In Solution For Businesses/Brands

With people spending much more time on social media platforms than ever before, brands/businesses need to shift focus to their digital operations and look for effective ways to connect, interact and transact with their audience. Several brands and large brick-and-mortar retailers are now looking to strengthen their digital presence to sustain operations, be it by leveraging e-commerce or offering special incentives.


Entrepreneurial Chronicle Of Seth VanDaele

Seth VanDaele, Director & Co-Founder of Cormier Media shares, “I think companies are beginning to understand the importance of social media and digital presence. It’s only a matter of time until even the most stubborn executives begin to see the value of these digital tools.”

With the personality of a gentleman, Seth VanDaele, a man of strong work ethics got his first job at a grocery store at 14 years of age. Later, he started a plumbing apprenticeship. The owner who took him under his wing taught him, ‘Working for others makes them wealthy, and having others work for you makes you wealthy; having others work for you saves you time, and allows you to scale your business and get more done without you having to put in more work. Time is far more valuable than money, and time is one thing you’d never get as an employee.’ It was then, Seth just knew that he didn’t want to be a cog in the machine.

From working at the construction site to a high-paying sales job, Seth’s daily routine was to wake up at 3:30 AM, read, meditate, and shower all before 4:00. He would then learn digital marketing with his team, only to do it all again tomorrow. Just before he made his debut in entrepreneurship, Seth went down to start the venture ‘Cormier Media’ with his friends especially with Nicholas Cormier and Ben Cormier.


Soaring Success Of Cormier Media

Seth and his team achieved rapid success in the initial month of Cormier Media’s creation. They went from working in Seth’s grandmother’s basement to a beautiful communal building with private office space, and over twenty clients. At the end of the third month of operation, they had found a much larger office space built for their use and were working with over fifty different businesses. Seth reminiscences the old days, ‘The idea started in early 2020 when my best friend Nicholas Cormier got back from his 6 month trip to Asia with the plan to start a digital advertising/marketing company. It was hard to stay on track when you and your team are being pulled in different directions of survival and growth. It was when we started making sales and talking to clients, applying that knowledge where the goal became not only clear but exciting.’

Check out the services Cormier Media provides with their team of marketing specialists, and get guided by their team of marketing specialists to scale up your business.

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