Mario Amean Uses the Power of Photography to Create Moments, Cement Memories, and Serve as an Instrument for Expression

Photography is more than capturing moments and persevering significant milestones. As a matter of fact, most people document themselves to share personal stories with faces and places that matter to them. Indeed, photographs have their way of sending powerful messages that words cannot sufficiently deliver. As someone who is intimately aware of the impact of photographs, Mario Amean uses this power not only to cement memories but also to serve as a platform for expression.

For nearly two decades, Mario Amean has been gaining nods and accolades from people across the country because of his distinctive approach and creative and timeless shots. As a matter of fact, this talented photographer has managed to solidify a stellar reputation across the trade, being one of the most trusted names in New York City. As he continues to rise through the ranks, he aims to become a go-to source for those who want to tell their stories in stills.

Having been surrounded by a family of photographers, Mario Amean has been exposed to the world of photography all his life. His father was a photographer who used to own several studios in Egypt, while his siblings also shared a similar interest. Wanting to develop his skill in the trade, Mario worked for his father for 15 years, where he learned several tricks of the trade. Over time, he developed extensive skills, including using and handling Photoshop, enabling him to produce photos that are top-notch. When he thought he was ready to take on photography, Mario then separated from his father and began to carve a path on his own. With his creativity and unparalleled talents, this emerging photographer managed to make a name for himself with over 2.4 million followers on Instagram.

With his desire to solidify himself even further, Mario Amean teamed up with his two younger brothers, Edwar and Mody, to create an app called Klik Photography. This app serves as a platform where clients from all walks of life can book them as photographers.

Anyone who has collaborated with Mario Amean has only positive things to say about his work. As someone who prioritizes not only the photos he provides but also the overall experience, this talented photographer puts his best foot forward, leaving clients satisfied with his services.

Although being a renowned photographer is his goal, Mario Amean does not stop there. While working as a photographer, he is studying to become a doctor. As a matter of fact, Mario has been called Dr. Mario not only because of his ability to produce incredible photos but also due to his dream of earning that title to his name one day. “It has always been my dream to cement memories while saving lives,” explained Mario. 

As Mario Amean continues to cement a reputable stance in the world of photography, he aims to continue improving his skills to serve his clients better. Above anything else, he seeks to transform his vision of becoming a platform for self-expression for millions of people across the city and the world.

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