Fumi Ogunsemore Establishes Valley of Joy Medical Staffing to Help Hospitals and Healthcare Professionals Serve Patients Better


Healthcare is an ever-important necessity that often gets overlooked by governments, pushing communities and private institutions to offer various alternatives to make it more accessible to everyone. Homecare is the sort of supportive healthcare that many people need, but unfortunately, many people do not have access to it due to a lack of resources and support. Fumi Ogunsemore hopes to change this, ensuring that her community is supported and people will receive the adequate amount of healthcare they deserve.

Fumi Ogunsemore has been a nurse since 2011. In 2017, she took her career one step further and started on a unique journey to establish her own company, Valley of Joy Home Care. She knows full well all the challenges that taking care of another human being brings. Her childhood has been rooted in taking care of other people, such as her parents and grandparents, which is why she finds value in what she can offer to others through her company.

With the ever-increasing costs of nursing home care, Fumi Ogunsemore realized how much of a privilege it was for people to have in-home care and how rare it was for certain parts of her community to afford it. Seeing this massive issue in the system, Fumi decided to do something about it herself, so she established the Valley of Joy Home Care to provide cost-effective home and community government-funded programs for the aging, disabled, and intellectually disabled. 

Valley of Joy Home Care also helps the medical professionals in her community through its extension company, Valley of Joy Medical Staffing, a company that helps nurses find jobs all across America. Fumi Ogunsemore heavily emphasized her company’s mission before she even started her company. “The mission from five years ago remains the same—to ensure that people who need medical care but don’t want to live in a home still receive the care they deserve in the comfort of their own homes,” shared Fumi.

The recent global pandemic has heavily ravaged the healthcare industry. With the abrupt changes in the global medical landscape, things have become far more difficult than they already were. With shortages of everything from PPE to personnel, the industry was shaken up. Patients often needed more help and support than they were equipped to handle. Instead of shying away from the situation, Ogunsemore sprang into action the minute she realized how much the demand for care outweighed the care available. 

That was the time when she founded Valley of Joy Medical Staffing, which started to help hospitals staff up during the shortages during the global pandemic. Even as she lost family members and nurses through the pandemic, Fumi continued to help nurses find jobs and hospitals find the staff they needed to continue their life-saving work.

Valley of Joy Home Care has been in business for over five years, and with the addition of their new endeavor, Valley of Joy Medical Staffing, the company has helped dozens of clients and placed hundreds of nurses across the country in trusted hospitals. They work alongside America’s biggest healthcare facilities across the country to assist in ensuring adequate staffing for their patients. 

To learn more about Fumi Ogunsemore and Valley of Joy Home Care, make sure to visit the company’s official website

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