Saturday, April 20, 2024

Dr. John Oda: Learn the 3 Crucial Mistakes Employers Make When They Don’t Master Their Communication and Gain Rapport with Their Employees

Motivating employees, to get the job done, is a big problem for most companies. What is your game plan to motivate your employees? The biggest challenge I see is everyone has a different communication style.

As an employer you need to understand your employees enough to create results for your company and to help your employees develop in his or her field.

When I work with companies I use a lot of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) tools in learning how people function as a human. We all have three ways to represent our world, visual (see) auditory (hear) kinesthetic (feel).

Now I am going to break down all three components to see how you can apply this on your employees.

Visual People: They normally see the end result of the situation. They say words like see, look, picture, imagine. If I am going to motivate a visual person I will show them the end result with pictures, photo’s, something in color. Most visual people talk very fast and their style is straight to the point. I would not talk slowly to a visual person; my outcome is to gain rapport with them and find ways to motivate him or her. How to motivate a visual person: use pictures, diagrams, movies, etc.

Auditory People: They normally speak at a normal speed, and are meticulous in their word selection. They use words like hear, click, sounds, etc. If you speak with your employees and they speak this language you will determine they are in an auditory mode. How to motivate them? I will speak their language, I would use words like hear, sound, and click in my communication with them. How to motivate these people: create a list, summarize, quote, and read.

Kinesthetic People: Some of these individuals are more into their feelings. Sometimes when speaking to them they take things so personal that it is hard to communicate with them at times. People who are in their feelings usually use words like feel, sense, understand, words dealing in their feelings. To motivate them I will use their same words with a sense of feelings behind it. For example If I had an employee that was kinesthetic I would use words like feel, does this make sense, do you understand. How to motivate them: use hands-on, do demonstrations, and test drive.

The goal is to be more of a VAK. I believe in any situation we can change our communication style to fit anyone. Now it is time to put this through a test. Talk to your employees find out how they represent things and have som

I will see you at the top!

Dr John Oda 


Dr. John Oda CEO/President of Profit Now Business Coaching: A leading consulting company that conducts business growth strategies for companies to increase their business from 25% to 3000%.  Dr.  Oda is a Master Trainer for National Federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming ( NFNLP)

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Dr. Oda is a published author of two books Connecting with your Teen: The 7 Principles to Resolve Teenager Behavioral Challenges and Life is a Garden: The 7 Spiritual Principles of Manifesting Every Area of Your Life. In the spring of 2022, he will publish a new book on business growth.

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