How Can Compounded Hormones Help in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Drug compounding involves mixing, combining or altering to create a medication suited to the requirements of the patient, according to the FDA. The state boards in the United States regulate community-based compounding pharmacies. They offer custom-compounded hormone medications that help in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

Top compounding pharmacies in Bronx like Mediserv Pharmacy offer BHRT solutions in all forms, including capsules, injections, drops, gels and vaginal suppositories. The prescribed treatment is customized depending on the patient’s hormone levels, symptoms and other factors. These pharmacies offer custom compounding solutions in other fields too, such as Veterinary, Pediatric, Dental and Pain Management.

One of the most popular areas in which compounding services are in demand is hormone replacement therapy. Read on to know why.

Benefits of Compounded Hormones in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Based on the symptoms that you currently have the benefits of compounded bioidentical hormones can differ. Here are the general positive effects of BHRT:

Positive Outcomes for Women

  • Reduced hot flashes
  • Relief from vaginal dryness
  • Fewer night sweats
  • Increased libido
  • Better coping with depression
  • Mood stability
  • Healthier weight
  • Improved sleep
  • Higher energy levels
  • Less severe PMS
  • Improved memory

Positive Outcomes for Men

  • Healthier weight
  • Muscle maintenance
  • Higher energy levels
  • Increased libido
  • Improved sleep
  • Balanced mood
  • Relief from urinary conditions
  • Reduced Gynecomastia
  • Better coping with depression
  • Improved memory

Advantages of Bioidentical Hormones from Compounding Pharmacies Over Those from Pharmaceutical Companies

Some pharmaceutical companies make specific bioidentical hormones. However, they are usually very expensive. On the other hand, compounding pharmacies prepare hormone medications at much lower costs. Moreover, some of them like leading medical supply stores in The Bronx offer free delivery and pick-up and delivery across New York City. This includes all surgical and medical supplies and prescription refills.

Compounding pharmacies offer more access to hormones in the exact form required by a patient. Such tailored services are not available at a conventional pharmacy. This is why women increasingly choose compounded solutions. A 2017 study says that they looking for alternatives to traditional care that can address their menopausal experience, serve treatment goals and help women manage their own menopause. The last factor can only be ticked off with personalized solutions.

Hormonal medications offered by traditional pharmacies often contain allergens since they cannot be custom-made. This is not the case with compounded alternatives. These can be better tolerated by patients who have concerns like allergies, sensitivities and certain tastes. For instance, you may require progesterone pills ( Prometrium ). However, they may come with peanut oil. If you are allergic to peanuts, a compounding pharmacy can produce progesterone using another oil that you can tolerate. Typical pharmacies cannot do that.

Both women and men can benefit from taking compounded hormone medications, especially for symptoms of menopause and andropause. The advantages of these medications over non-compounded ones make them more desirable to patients.


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