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How to Put Yourself First in 2023

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Family, work, and pets are demanding and require you to care for them, and it can be exhausting. During all the chaos of restarting school, going to appointments, attending play dates, planning events, and getting back into a routine, it’s essential to make putting yourself and your mental and physical health first in 2023 one of your main goals. 

There are several ways to put yourself first in 2023. First, obtain items that help you feel better and make your life easier. Next, pay attention to your physical health, even skipping events or slowing down your pace of life. You can also set boundaries and ask for help when needed. Whether it’s the convenience of washable rugs or comfy Boho clothing, figure out the random things you need to feel good about yourself and your living space. Look into health products like IV drip therapy or safe places to go when you’re sick, like urgent care philadelphia

Gather Items That Make Life Easier 

Certain items can help you organize your home life, so you don’t feel guilty about taking breaks or spending time on yourself. Items like washable rugs can be a game-changer, especially if you have pets. The ease of throwing these in the wash saves you time and can make your space feel cleaner. Purchases like this will increase productivity. 

Gadgets may seem silly, but anything that makes meal prep easier will save you a lot of time, like an air fryer. An automatic vacuum can be a lifesaver, so you do not have to worry about cleaning the floor! Even selecting a few organization tubs can make a world of difference in your home. Ensure you know how to use products, or they can be counterproductive. If you find an item collecting dust, get rid of it. 

Retail Therapy

Put Yourself First in 2023
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Buying cute and comfortable Boho clothing can satisfy the need for retail therapy. Chances are, if you love the dress you’re in, you’ll feel more confident and energetic, too. Take a day to browse slowly, without an agenda, and it will become apparent how relaxing time away from the house or workplace can be.

Retail therapy isn’t just about buying clothes, though. Whether it’s spending time leisurely browsing your favorite store or at a coffee shop, this time alone can bring space to think. Being alone is healthy because it allows clarity of thought and helps you prioritize important things. Then, when you return, you can focus on the important things rather than the million other to-dos swirling around your brain. 

Pay Attention to Your Body 

It’s easy to run out of energy, especially after traveling for work, getting the kids ready for school, and keeping the house in order. Many of us overexert ourselves, even if it’s just our daily routine. It seems counterproductive, but adding time to rest, drink water, and meditate or relax will serve you better. You know your body best, so it’s important to listen to your gut and take action if something is wrong or you’re about to get sick. When you have a headache or a stomachache, it is your body’s natural way of telling you to slow down and rest. 

If you’re feeling dehydrated or low on energy, why not try IV drip therapy? It’s a convenient and fast treatment because a doctor will visit your location and administer whatever medicine or fluids you need, like electrolytes. You’ll be back up and running in no time and feel great. 

If you’re feeling sick and it’s lingering and more than having low energy, it’s best to see a doctor just in case. No one likes seeing the doctor, but places like urgent care philadelphia, for example, offer a quick evaluation of more pressing needs. After visiting, you can have peace of mind about your condition and the correct medications and know you’re on the mend to get back to your routine. Behavioral health and virtual telehealth services are also available. There is no shame in going to the doctor or asking for help if you feel under the weather. Seeing sickness as a sign of weakness is old news, so ask a neighbor or friend for help if you need it, and don’t wait until your illness gets worse to see a doctor. 

Protect Your Peace

Put Yourself First in 2023
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Image commercially licensed from : Unsplash

Part of being your best self is distancing yourself from people, places, and ideas that no longer work for you. Good boundary-setting takes practice but saying “no” can be one of the most valuable practices for putting yourself first. Do not worry about people-pleasing in the new year. 

If something makes you uncomfortable, speak up. If you are only hanging out with a friend out of obligation, don’t. If work isn’t fulfilling, find something different. 

Do household chores like walking the dog or doing the laundry not bring you joy and are too overwhelming? Outsource it to a college student. 2023 is the year of protecting your space and your peace, and only you can protect your time. Remember, you cannot get wasted time back. People who do not respect your boundaries are not worth your valuable time and energy. In the same way, a friend who respects when you say “no,” is one you want to keep around. 


Being there for the people around you, like coworkers, family, friends, and pets, is important, but caring for yourself should be at the top of the list. When you care for your mental and physical health, others around you will benefit, and you can be your best self for them. When you have the items you need, like comfortable clothing, you will feel better about yourself and have more confidence to do your daily tasks. Taking advantage of services like urgent care and iv drip therapy is not selfish—it’s necessary for you to be your best self. Do what you need to do to make life easier for yourself because you deserve it. Any other mindset will set you back, and 2023 will be your year to move forward. 

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