Expatriate Experience Career, Community, and Family
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The Expatriate Experience: Navigating Career, Community, Mental Health, and Family Dynamics

By: Samantha Thacker

The decision to leave one’s home country is multifaceted, influenced by an array of personal, professional, and familial factors. In a world where over 8 million Americans have chosen to live abroad, understanding the motivations and challenges faced by expatriates is paramount. This article delves into the intricacies of expatriation, drawing upon empirical data and statistical insights to elucidate the journey of becoming an expatriate as a mother looking for global opportunities. 

Career Aspirations: Charting International Waters for Professional Advancement

Pursuing career advancement and professional fulfilment is a cornerstone of the expatriate ethos, driving individuals to seek greener pastures beyond their national borders. Empirical data reveals a compelling narrative: expatriates, on average, possess a formidable educational pedigree, with a significant proportion holding postgraduate or bachelor’s degrees. Moreover, Nearly half of working expatriates (47%) state that their career was also their most important reason for relocating to another country; expatriates cite career opportunities as their primary motivation for relocation, whether through independent job searches, international recruitment, or employer-sponsored assignments. Additionally, insights into the intended length of stay reveal diverse aspirations, with one in five respondents (20%) undecided, while approximately one in four (24%) plan to stay in their host country for two to five years. More than half want to extend their stay beyond five years (22%) or indefinitely (30%). Close to three in five working expatriates (58%) emphasize the importance of autonomy, freedom, creativity, personal development, and self-fulfilment in the business culture of their host country. These values align closely with the concept of New Work, which encapsulates the evolving paradigm of work in the global and digital age, emphasizing flexibility, innovation, and individual empowerment. Many expatriates are looking for work that supports their family and desired lifestyle. 

Her Expat Life supports relocation by auditing expat CVs and providing career advice during 1:1 in-depth consultations that educate potential expatriates on ways to increase their chances of securing employment prior to moving overseas permanently. 

Finding Home Away From Home: The Social Fabric of Expatriate Communities & Mental Health Implications for Relocation. 

The expatriate journey is not without its psychological complexities, as individuals grapple with the challenges of acclimating to unfamiliar cultural landscapes and navigating the labyrinth of emotional upheaval. Extensive research underscores the multifaceted nature of expatriate mental health, shedding light on the nuanced interplay of factors shaping emotional well-being. Studies by Sterle et al. (2018) have elucidated the prevalence of mental health challenges among expatriates, revealing heightened susceptibility to conditions such as depression, anxiety, sleeping difficulties, and impaired concentration. Moreover, research by Truman et al. (2011) has underscored parallels between expatriates and domestic workers, highlighting shared vulnerabilities to substance use concerns and psychological distress. Further insights from Foyle et al. (1998) emphasize the pervasive impact of occupational anxiety, home-country nostalgia, acculturation stress, and physical ailments on expatriate adjustment and psychological resilience. Thus, navigating the inner terrain of expatriate life necessitates a nuanced understanding of the complex interplay of psychological, cultural, and environmental factors shaping mental well-being.

In Her Expat Life, a profound awareness of these challenges prevails, catalyzing the formation of a vibrant expatriate community of women who forge deep connections based on shared experiences. This tightly knit network is a bastion against loneliness and isolation, offering solace, camaraderie, and invaluable support. Beyond fostering social cohesion, this extended community acts as a conduit for cultural exchange and integration, facilitating meaningful connections between expatriates and locals. Through the exchange of insights and experiences, newcomers are seamlessly guided through the intricate fabric of their new home, embarking on a journey of discovery and adaptation with confidence and ease.

Expatriate Economics: Paving Pathways to Prosperity

For single mothers contemplating the expatriate leap, economic considerations loom large on the horizon, presenting an array of opportunities for financial security and upward mobility. 

Family dynamics play a pivotal role in shaping the expatriate narrative, with personal obligations and caregiving responsibilities often serving as compelling catalysts for relocation. According to statistics from the World Population Review, family-related issues rank prominently among the motivations driving Americans to become expatriates. Whether tending to ailing parents or reuniting with loved ones residing abroad, familial considerations underscore the profoundly personal dimensions of the expatriate decision-making process.

“The decision to embrace the Global Lifestyle can result in better economic opportunities through new career roles, business opportunities,  lower cost of living, access to universal healthcare, affordable investments, and better retirement prospects depending on the country. It’s important to assess personal circumstances and speak with a professional consultant to make informed decisions that cater to your needs..” – Candice Smith.

Expatriation can offer a gateway to economic prosperity, with tax incentives, expanded job markets, and the prospect of a better future for their children serving as potent motivators for migration. 

Candice Smith embarked on a bold journey, relocating to Rome as a single mother in pursuit of a new beginning. Since then, she has achieved remarkable feats, including debt repayment, property investment, global travel, and a flourishing business. Her inspiring story is a testament to the possibilities available to expatriates as a viable pathway to socioeconomic advancement and enhanced quality of life for single mothers and their families.


The expatriate journey is a multifaceted endeavour influenced by many personal, professional, and familial factors. Her Expat Life, under the guidance of Candice Smith, stands as a beacon of support for those navigating this complex terrain. Her Expat Life empowers individuals to thrive in their new environments through tailored services such as career coaching and community building. By recognizing and addressing mental health challenges, fostering economic opportunities, and acknowledging the importance of family dynamics, Her Expat Life provides a holistic approach to expatriate living. Candice Smith’s transformative journey exemplifies the potential for growth and fulfilment that awaits those who embark on this path. In essence, Her Expat Life offers not just a relocation service but a comprehensive framework for personal and professional development on a global scale. For further inquiries or assistance, individuals are encouraged to contact Candice Smith at candicesmith@herexpatlife.com


Sterle, B., Arsal, R. Z., & Hauff, S. 2018. “The Dark Side of International Business Travel: The Spillover Effects of Expatriate Job Demands on Job Stressors, Life Satisfaction, and Partners’ Life Satisfaction.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 39 (4): 387-401.

Truman, S. D., Sharar, D. A., Pompe, J. C., & Levendosky, A. A. 2011. “Relationship Factors in Expatriate Couples: An Exploratory Study.” Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research 1 (2): 176-197.

Foyle, D. C., Harrison, D. A., & Ferrara, D. 1998. “Expatriate Training and the Failure of Overseas Assignments: Some Preliminary Findings.” International Journal of Human Resource Management 9 (4): 583-600.

World Population Review. n.d. “Expatriate Statistics by Country 2024.” Retrieved from https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/american-expats-by-country.

Internations. 2021. “Future of Working Abroad.” Retrieved from https://www.internations.org/expat-insider/2021/future-of-working-abroad-40181#:~:text=Close%20to%20half%20the%20working,to%20start%20their%20own%20business.

Psychology Today. 2023. “Expatriate Mental Health Challenges.” Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-complex-diagnosis/202302/expatriate-mental-health-challenges.

Published by: Martin De Juan


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