Essential Safety Gear Every Fisherman Should Keep in Their Tackle Box

Essential Safety Gear Every Fisherman Should Keep in Their Tackle Box

Fishing can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience. Before you get ready for a day on the water, it’s important to keep your tackle box prepared with a first aid kit. What safety items should you include in your tackle box, and are these fishing supplies worth the cost? Here are six safety items every fisherman should have in their tackle box before hopping into the boat.

Fishing Gloves

Gloves are commonly used in commercial fishing, but they can also be used for fisherman who plan to descale and prepare their fish while out on the water. Fishing gloves need to be strong enough to protect against fish bites and wounds from knives. Always keep a pair of extra fishing gloves on you in your tackle box to protect your hands while descaling or reeling in big catches.

Antiseptic Ointment

Fish bites and cuts are some of the most common injuries all fishermen will face at some point or another. Using an antiseptic ointment is a good way to prevent cuts or bites from becoming infected.

Good Quality Knife

A good quality knife is essential for all fishermen. From cutting fish lines to helping cut bandages, there’s virtually no job too big or small for a high-quality knife! Make sure to sharpen your knife before heading onto the water, and keep it protected from water to prevent rusting.

Gauze and Bandages

Gauzes and bandages are crucial for any trip out in nature. The same is true for fishing trips! Gauzes and bandages can help with a myriad of issues. If you have a larger cut that won’t be covered with a simple band-aid, wrap it with a sterile gauze and bandage. 

Bandages can also be used on their own to help immobilize broken bones or strains. Make sure you carry different sizes of gauze and bandages. It’s also a good idea to pack more than one role in your fishing kit in case you find another fisherman in need!

Sunscreen and Burn Relief Gel

Most people know to put on sunscreen before an outing. This is especially true in an open boat and in open water, where you’ll be exposed to heavy sun all day. Having an extra sunscreen on hand can help protect your skin if you forget to apply it before your trip.

If you don’t have an extra sunscreen handy, you might expose yourself to the potential for serious sunburns. The best way to treat a sunburn during your fishing trip is with aloe or burn relief gel. This type of gel is also handy to help stop itching from bug bites and minor burns, both of which can occur during your fishing trip.


Lastly, it’s crucial to pack any essential medications into your tackle box before heading out on the water. Remember to take any prescription medications with you. This medication should also include life-saving medications like epi-pens for allergic reactions or inhalers for asthma. If you have space in your tackle box, you can also pack other medications like nausea-relief pills, pain relievers, or aspirin. Fortunately, many medications come in travel sizes and can easily fit in your tackle box.


Published By: Aize Perez

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