Why John Brusseau AKA “CRVNTIS” With his Single “FIND YOU” Is The Next Big Thing In the Music Industry

We keep on hearing stories of successful people day in and day out. If you look at these stories, you will find too many talents and their efforts behind them. However, among all these people, there are some rare gems across different industries that seem to make news in the media. Music is one of the domains that have given some of the best people to this industry. All thanks to their commitment, dedication, and passion, they are known to have a different level of vibe, tenacity, and zealousness, which have been the part and parcel of their work. 

The music industry is among the few industries to have produced some excellent talent. But the success stories of music icons like John Brusseau AKA “CRVNTIS” instantly connect with people because they instil hope, positivity, and inspiration among the aspiring music professionals and producers who wish to lead this industry.  

After dealing with a sudden loss of his best friend, We thank John for talking about this latest track – 

  1. Briefly explain your music endeavours

John – My very first show was a small bar located here in Manchester where I’m currently located. I had just released my first EP on “Playing With Monsters” and that booking acted as a release and performance debut. Eight years later I’ve truly grown as an artist emotionally and mentally which I put into the music I produce. I am able to provide unique experiences for my fans with my live shows and I hope to continue to grow as an artist.

  1. I was told, your song that you last released “FIND YOU” has a story      attached to it, could you explain this further?   

John – I put a lot of emotional meaning behind my latest release “Find You” that came out on Rail breakers this past February. Unfortunately, I lost my best friend, Alexandra Puntin Pillsbury, on December 23rd, 2021 to a rare genetic cancer. She was not only an incredible friend, but huge supporter when it came to my music career. I wanted to commemorate our friendship which resulted in my latest track, Find You. I wanted to honour Alex by donating 100% of my royalties to Dana Faber, a cancer research centre located in the United States.

  1. What are your future plans for live shows etc?

John –  As far as future shows are concerned I certainly plan on filling up my booking schedule over the next few months into festival season. I have a few announced shows across New England along with a performance scheduled in Los Angeles. My main focus, however, is to continue working on production and finishing up my release schedule that involves multiple labels and collaborators. The electronic music industry gets pretty hectic around the fall booking wise, so I’m trying to get as much music finished beforehand.

  1. What can you tell us about your future releases, do they also have a story attached to it?

John – I can’t say too much regarding future releases when it comes to the track titles and labels. However, I can tell you that the next couple of months will be a musical representation of my journey as an artist. From my roots to where I am now experiencing love, loss, joy, and all the dips and bends in-between. Years of sitting in the studio will be coming to a climax in terms of my journey as an electronic music artist.

Currently represented by ace management: “GRIDLOCK MANAGEMENT”, John is sure to shake up the music industry for the better. 

To contact John – (His Manager) – Kevin Tartaglio – girdlockmgmt.com – 207-518-3159

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