Why Scott D. Clary’s Success Story Just Might Be The Most Useful Global Business Education Podcast

“Why is your podcast the most useful business education podcast in the world?” is the first question we throw at Scott. D Clary, podcast host, author, entrepreneur, and speaker, as he starts the interview.

He responds coolly, with a chuckle. “I created it initially so it could be a platform that I could learn from. I love listening to podcasts. I’m a big consumer of that medium for learning because I find it allows you to connect with any individual and their ideas intimately. It cuts through the fluff and gets to the core of their ideology or insight on a certain topic. There are a lot of podcasts that are focused on business tactics as the key to success, for example, but as I’ve grown in my career, I realize that tactics are one thing and important, but there are a lot of other components to being successful. So I created a podcast that would teach people diverse, practical, and tangible business ideas by bringing in guests that have been highly successful in their careers,” he explains.

“I dive into the successes experienced by my guests and pull out both the hard skills and the soft skills that it takes to be successful in anything,” he continues. “It could be that you’re trying to move up in a company. It could be you’re trying to start a side hustle. It could be that you’re trying to raise money and become the next Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg. That’s great! The goal of the podcast is to bring different perspectives on how you can upskill yourself.” 

What started as an idea to create a podcast teaching young entrepreneurs, business people, and the host himself about success has grown into a series of over 200 episodes at the time of writing. Podcast listeners have rated his podcast a perfect rating of five stars out of five, with hundreds of people rating the podcast as invaluable. Clary has interviewed prominent people such as Guy Kawasaki, Anthony Scaramucci, Jack Canfield, Patrick Bet-David, Grant Cardone, Oren Klaff, Joe Vitale, Vincenzo Guzzo, and Vernon Davis, among others, and offers listeners life lessons by delving into the wins, losses, success, and struggles of his guests. The podcast, appropriately named Success Story, has had more than a million downloads since its inception a few years ago and is part of the prestigious HubSpot Podcast Network.

Although Clary is focused on interviewing successful entrepreneurs and high-power executives, successful is also a word you can use when describing him. As an entrepreneur, he has had great success in the business areas he has invested in. He most recently co-founded and is CEO of OnMi, which creates and sells vitamin patches that cater for all sorts of nutritional, optimal living needs. The patches are simply and conveniently placed on the skin, like a nicotine patch, and all of the nourishing vitamins and minerals are absorbed through the epidermis and dermis.

He is also a successful social media influencer with a massive following of around one million people across multiple platforms. His content resonates with people profoundly and he has found a following of people who are eager to learn business tips and techniques from him and the people he interacts with. Clary believes that his podcast and online success is because he has explored content that speaks powerfully to people amid the challenges the world is currently facing. “I think that it does fit a certain niche of individuals such as high performing people that want to figure out how to take their lives to the next level. And after the pandemic, the concept of entrepreneurship is hotter than ever,” he says.

Having a strong sales and marketing background has helped Clary establish his personal brand and to venture into entrepreneurship, social media, and podcasting confidently. He has marketed to some of the most iconic Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 brands throughout his career and understands how to reach and convert an audience. “I am a marketer above all else,” he says candidly. “I understand how to get as much exposure as possible out of something that I have launched. I always have a strong content strategy. I understand channels, paid media, how to drive eyeballs, and how to create messaging that is going to get the most people to want to consume my content. To gain traction, I simply executed against marketing that I already knew.”

While his podcast sees him interviewing prominent thought leaders to find out where success comes from, he is also honest about how easy it is for self doubt to creep its way in as you build your business and brand. “You will always have imposter syndrome. You will always have self-doubt,” he says. “You will always feel those things, but if somebody asks you to do something, of course, if you say yes, you’re going to have to step up to the plate. You’re going to have to figure it out. Always have confidence in yourself to be able to figure it out.” He is adamant that to be successful, you have to find a way to push past it and not believe the voice in your head that tells you that you can not do it. 

Clearly, people are listening and wanting to hear more from this fresh, new voice. Clary has established himself as a prominent thought leader online, and as a formidable force in the business world and all eyes are set to see where he goes from here. 

To keep up with his content, you can connect with him on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Youtube

Media Contact:

Clive Vanderwagen, Writer



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