The Highly Addictive Music of Cocanina Lights Up the Music Industry

All eyes are on the strong female talents of the music industry. These empowered women are taking a stand and showing the world that the entertainment industry belongs to them. Among these talented women is Cocoa Michelle Bell, who more famously goes by her artist name, Cocanina. Comfortably slipping herself into a sound that’s somewhere between “pop princess” and “hood baby,” Cocanina is staking her claim in the music industry and captivating fans all over the world.

Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Cocanina had always shown promise as a young musician. When she was 18 years old, she dropped a track about the loss of her grandmother, whom she loved dearly, as well as a friend she lost due to suicide. Her emotions spilled through the beautiful lyricism of the track, much like paint on an artist’s blank canvas.

It was at that moment when Cocanina knew that she wanted to pursue a career in music. Her music style is diverse and versatile. As a multi-talented artist, she can rap, sing and write songs with a variety of styles. She attributes her versatility to her upbringing since her grandparents on her mother’s side are English while her father is from Trinidad.

“Going back home to the islands from time to time really brings out the Caribbean side to my sound, and being around my grandparents really helped me with my lyricism,” she said.

Cocanina creates genuine music about how she feels in the moment. Sometimes she can craft a sad track, and sometimes she can create a happy one. Her versatility is one of her greatest strengths as an artist. All of her music is genuine and real, skirting beyond genre conventions and just becoming her own crystallized style of music.

She is an artist through and through, getting inspired by how music can become a way to express herself without having to talk about her feelings. “It’s difficult to talk about my feelings, but it’s easy for me to write them down in a song,” explained the rising artist.

Cocanina draws inspiration from her main musical influences, such as Amy Winehouse, Biggie Smalls, Eartha Kitt, Lauran Hill, Erykah Badu, and 50 Cent. She expressed that when she’s rapping, she often feels like 50 Cent.

Currently, Cocanina is coming off the release of her newest single “Do My Best.” The project was inspired by her discovery that she was pregnant.

“I did my first ultrasound thinking I had an ulcer, and when they told me I was pregnant, I went straight to the studio and tracked the song.” passionately explained Cocanina. “When I heard the heartbeat and realized I was going to be a mom, I felt truly alive.”

“Do My Best” is out now, and has already been receiving an incredible response. The project is about no longer being single and becoming forever attached. It’s about being a mom and accepting the fact that life is going to change in a major way. It’s about finding the light in the situation and being excited and terrified at the same time.

Cocanina will work on a follow-up to her previous single entitled “401 West.” She is also working on a Caribbean EP for her Trinidad people, which is slated to come out in December. She also plans on releasing a full-length album in February. Cocanina is non-stop. She is a passionate artist who is always hard at work, creating and honing her artistry. It’s only a matter of time before she truly takes over the music industry, and that would be such an exciting sight to see.

To know more about Cocanina, make sure to visit her official website. For more live updates, follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Be sure to also check out “Do My Best,” out now on Spotify and Apple Music.

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