The GoodBoyz 215 Duo Brings Their Real-Life Friendship to the Next Level by Entertaining Audiences

Comedy has always been an integral part of everyone’s life, whether one possesses a rare talent to make other people laugh or simply lean towards movies and acts that solicit laughter. Nobody says no to an authentic comedic experience if it means being able to relax, forget about the challenges of life temporarily, or experience inner healing. No matter what the reason may be, The GoodBoyz 215 is always more than able to step up to the plate and offer people an extraordinary experience. 

The duo is composed of real-life friends and industry partners David “Zeus” Settles and “Big Mark” Fry is a real treasure to the Southwest Philadelphia community and the whole entertainment industry. What was initially supposed to be a musical duo transformed into a phenomenal comedic tandem unlike anything the industry has seen before. With their unrehearsed chemistry taking the industry by storm, The GoodBoyz 215 easily became an entertainment brand that audiences cannot get enough of. 

“Where we differ from most acts comes down to our third dimensional material. We explore the audience’s minds by letting them in ours. We give the audience that ‘ahhh’ moment like they’ve been there and done that before too. We let them feel it’s okay about the things they have done in their personal lives that only they know. We then have them get up and cheer, shout, dance, and spill their drinks. Celebration all in the name of laughing and partying with The GoodBoyz 215,” the duo revealed.

Settles and Fry were inspired to create The GoodBoyz 215 for their love for entertainment and the art of comedy. Being able to make people laugh sincerely is a gift that not everyone has. Comedy, for one, requires careful planning, the right execution, and timing. Being able to solicit priceless laughter through their acts is an indication that the two artists have fully committed their skills and resources in making sure that their audiences have an exceptional experience. Their natural talent for comedy is working greatly to their advantage. Performing for their audiences does not feel like working at all, as comedy is ingrained in their DNA as artists. 

Just recently, The GoodBoyz 215 signed a TV contract for a project that will air on Roku, Amazon Firestick, and Apple TV, giving them a massive audience of more than 500 million subscribers all over the world. With this development, the powerful duo see nothing but a bright future for their career together as comedians. In the next five years, they also see themselves taking their craft to the next level and accept hosting events and movie offers at the same time. 

At the end of the day, The GoodBoyz 215 wants to set the benchmark for authentic comedy that will have a lasting impact on the lives of millions of people. Experiencing their brand of comedy is like seeing buffoonery transform into laughter and ridiculousness into a symbol of the new norm. As they continue to connect with people and touch lives through their gift, the duo desire nothing more but to see genuine happiness on the faces of others. 

Find out more about The GoodBoyz 215 by visiting its website. Follow them on Facebook and subscribe to their YouTube channel for updates on their latest projects.

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