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“Manners Matter 2” Bringing Etiquette Into 2023

What do you think of when you hear the word “etiquette?”

If you think it’s a word that belongs to yesterday, to a more “prim and proper” time gone by, perhaps at best relating it to the days of Emily Post (the American socialite who died in 1960, having built her name as an etiquette advice columnist), read on.  

The first known use of the word was far before the Post era. The word was actually first used in France in 1737, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. In its initial usage, the word actually referred to a “ticket.” Interestingly, nearly 300 years later, etiquette is still the ticket to success. 

“The power of good etiquette can set a person apart from the rest of the crowd,” says Rachana Adyanthaya, one-half of the hosting team of the popular Manners Matter 2 podcast. “It can have a profound impact on first impressions and ability to instill trust, confidence, and rapport. These are essential skills that can carry one through life and set one up for success.”

 “It is the finishing touch,” agrees Esteve Boyd, who hosts the popular show along with Rachana. “It’s the added polish and refinement that plays such an important role in people’s impressions. It can make all the difference.”  

 Manners Matter 2 is “a no-nonsense, light-hearted etiquette podcast focusing on modern day dilemmas. Hosted by etiquette and coaching consultants; Rachana Adyanthaya and Julia Esteve Boyd. They explore day-to-day experiences, challenges and how they tackle tricky situations and challenges with grace…most of the time!”

Rachana Adyanthaya and Julia Esteve Boyd say they share an important mission – the two are aligned “to make the world of etiquette accessible to all” and to “do away with the stuffy connotations” that are often linked to it.

 In a fun and entertaining way, the show covers a broad range of issues, from everyday conundrums to current events and business matters and how etiquette makes a difference, and how it can be applied in all situations.  

 They give this striking example. “With the pandemic, there has been a shift in how and where people work. With many graduates and young people entering the market; they may never have had the experience of working ‘in the office”. This can have an impact on how businesses perform and move forward. More businesses are investing in their etiquette to train their employees in essential skills such as networking, email protocol etc. On the show, we explore many everyday etiquette conundrums, such as dealing with difficult people, simple courtesy, and the effect it has on others and current events.”

 Whilst most etiquette consultants are focusing on dos and don’ts, Manners Matter 2 takes a more discussive approach. 

 “We explore why things are done and how they could have done better, using different perspectives. We combine aspects of development coaching and the rules of etiquette.”

 Rachana & Julia say it’s necessary to understand the importance of knowing the rules but also to understand that life happens. 

 “It’s knowing when to apply the rules that we think gives value,” they say. 

 Beyond the Manners Matter 2 Podcast, both Rachana and Julia are available to create bespoke coaching sessions designed around the specific needs of their client – everything from dining etiquette to the art of networking and other social graces.

 Rachana Adyanthaya is the Founder of Cr8mychange and uses her experience in the field of finance and law to focus on all aspects of women’s personal development, from tailored private coaching to courses such as Business Etiquette, Networking, Tech Etiquette, Communication and Personal Branding & Image. The result? A polished, confident individual whose authenticity instills trust in others.

Julia Esteve Boyd is The Etiquette Consultant – she offers Etiquette & Protocol coaching for navigating a variety of lifestyle situations — from entertaining business clients, visiting foreign countries, attending an interview or upscale dinner and hosting VIP events at home. The ultimate goal is to confidently present oneself and one’s business in the best possible way.

The Manners Matter 2 podcast can be accessed via Spotify, Apple and Amazon or at

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