Tuesday, April 30, 2024

London Abstract Artist Shreena Patel Paints Over 200 Diya Lamps in One Week for BAPS Neasden Temple at Diwali

Shreena Patel is a London-based skilled abstract artist, painter and sculptor. She studied at the University of Arts London and Brunel University, where she got her degree in Fine Arts (Graphics and Multimedia Technology and Design). Her clients include people from all over the world and popular celebs like Geeta Basra (Indian retired cricketer Harbhajan Singh’s wife), and Housewives of Cheshire’s Seema Malhotra, among others.

From childhood, Shreena was fascinated by colours, drawings and paintings. She always wanted to understand what goes behind an artist’s mind while painting or carving such stunning visuals using her hands. In the process of understanding the art and the artist, Patel herself became an artist. Her talent has helped her achieve many big things and create several records. The painter uses her skills and designs to create awareness and raise money for a good cause. 

In 2022, artist Shreena Patel made a remarkable record for painting 200 Diva Lamps in one week during Diwali. Diwali is an Indian festival of lights, and diyas play a key role in lightening the festive mood. The exciting project was commissioned directly from the Yogvivekdas Swami, Head Swami at the Neasden Temple.

About the project, painter Shreena Patel shares, “The brief was to paint Diya (Divoh) lamps on boards to be displayed in the Mandir for Diwali and Annakut celebrations this year. I had one week to paint over 100 lamps, and I still feel so blessed and humbled to be a part of this stunning and mesmerising display.”

Shreena painted 200 Diya lamps that left everyone mesmerised. When asked how it felt to work on one piece of art for a week continuously, she said, “The festive spirit inside me was motivated the entire time. Painting is relaxing and when it is about Indian festivals, I always want to give my best. I am glad to be a part of such a beautiful initiative by the Neasden Temple. It felt very liberating.”

Shreena Patel’s works of art are also available online for sale. If you want to check out her paintings and sculptures, look here – https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/artbyshreena/ 

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