Filming and Effects Tips for Bloggers and Video Enthusiasts

Filming and Effects Tips for Bloggers and Video Enthusiasts

Many users of TikTok, Instagram and other platforms are interested in how all these amazing shots are obtained that fascinate viewers so much in films and videos. Professionals have a limitless arsenal of tools, ranging from playing with decorations to the wonders of computer technology. What then should amateurs working at home do? 

Creating a high-quality video is not only about skillful camera work but also good post-processing. Almost any video can be significantly improved, for example, by using the object removal function, available here, if something unnecessary is included in the frame. Also, you can always add bright special effects, stylizing filters or increase playback speed in the TikTok editing app.

Tips to Help You Create a Short Video

First, ask yourself what you want to add with this video: generate leads, tell the story of your brand, simply talk about yourself, about the product, make your subscribers laugh – what is more important? Focus on one main idea instead of overwhelming the viewer with too much information.

  • Make a storyboard for the video and arrange all the frames logically.

  • Choose videos, images, or graphics that will pair with your text. Don’t add more than 120-150 characters per frame so that viewers have time to read and understand the information. Use contrasting colors and easy to read fonts in your tiktok editing app. Text should be legible on all devices.

  • Remember that while branding is important, it must be proportionate. Don’t insert huge logos or watermarks – this will distract people’s attention. Follow proportionality.

  • Choose the right background music that will highlight your story and create the right mood for the viewer.

  • The most important thing is the first few seconds of the video. Throw a “hook” and hook the viewer.

  • At the end, be sure to say what needs to be done. Encourage a person to take action: go to the site, leave a comment, etc. 

Before uploading a video, see how it looks on different platforms, as each social network has its own format. You may want to post the same video on all channels, but this will likely be a mistake. Optimizing your videos for different social networks makes the viewing experience more interesting.

How to Add Effects to Videos

Some interesting effects, for example, deleting objects, may not be available in TikTok’s arsenal but are available in another interesting editor, VJump. You will not be able to load effects from another program. But you can first record a video and then go to edit a TikTok video; many bloggers do this. Here, you will not need to spend a lot of time installing yourself – just tell the professionals about your wishes and get excellent results.

TikTok is a great platform for anyone who likes to experiment with video editing. This TikTok video editor allows you to implement many unique ideas. At the same time, it is very simple and convenient to use. You do not need to undergo long training, and everything is easy to understand intuitively. And if you have enough imagination, you can become famous thanks to this program.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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