Written by: Patrick Galang
Handing off the most important part of your business, SALES, can be daunting.
Here’s what you can do to make sure you get the right person to crush sales for your business.
These are the exact steps we implement in our sales recruitment business – Setters & Closers
- Have a solid application process. Not only do you want to have questions about their experience, but you want to ask:
a. What’s motivating them to change to another role?
b. What’s the ideal role look like for them?
c. Who are the people they’ve learnt sales from?
d. How much have they invested in their professional development?
- Include a short 1 to 2 min video about who they are. This is a crucial part of the process. From our experience, those who don’t provide a video were never 100% interested in the role. One other thing to watch out for is that they follow instructions of the video. For us, the video tells us a whole lot about the candidate.
- Next step is the interview phase where certain qualities can come into play. Once you’ve gone through some basic rapport building, it’s time to move onto specifics. Here’s a list of questions we like to use:
a. What are your expectations from having a chat with us? We find this is a slight pattern interrupt and not something a lot of sales people prepare for. It can show us how quickly they can think on their feet.
b. Who have been your biggest influences in sales? Everyone is influenced by someone else in sales. If they say they figured it all out themselves, be curious.
c. How well do you know your sales stats? Tell me about your best month in sales? Here, you want to hear conviction in their tone.
d. Pretend I was a client and you wanted to get an understanding of what I need, how would you go about it? An impromptu mock call is always great to check for confidence, but also to see if they lower expectations by saying that they ‘weren’t prepared for this’.
e. What are your goals and what’s stopped you from achieving them? This can give a good insight on their mindset and also what limiting beliefs they may have to achieve what they set out to do.
- Now that the questions are done, the next step is to give them the vision you have for your business. This is your chance to showcase what you have planned, as well as what you’re going to do to achieve them.
- Discuss your marketing plan. This will show the commitment you have for building your business. Sales people love good leads! And if you have a strong marketing plan laid out, they could see that as massive potential to make sales and commissions!
- Give clear expectations for the role. There’s nothing worse than having the right person start but then be shocked when what they were expecting is not the reality. Be clear with what your expectations are and then they can be clear that the role will be for them.
- Make the offer! Last but not least, be sure to make an offer for the right candidate that’s in line with their skills, experience and something that will motivate them to come and stay with you.
There are a few factors in getting the right hire. By going through this process, you give yourself the opportunity to bring on a team member that will do good for themselves and your business.