Change Order
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Stop the Change Order Games: Lessons Learned and Solutions Created

In the dynamic construction world, chaos and confusion have plagued projects for far too long. From budget overages and schedule extensions to construction litigation and uncompleted projects, the industry has desperately needed a transformation. Enter MySmartPlans, a state-of-the-art technology platform founded by Shelley Armato and Dominick Armato, designed to eliminate these challenges, and bring accountability, transparency, and efficiency to construction projects. With a record accomplishment of success and a mission to reshape the industry.  

A Legacy of Excellence: Co-founder and CEO Shelley Armato brings a wealth of experience. With MySmartPlans, Shelley has leveraged her expertise and improved the construction industry. Her dedication to transparency and integrity is evident through MySmartPlans and her Courage Coalition initiative, highlighting her unwavering belief in the power of one person to make a difference. Alongside Shelley, co-founder Dominick Armato, a prominent subcontractor in Kansas City for 45 years, has experienced firsthand the challenges of the construction industry, especially the damaging “Change Order Game.”  

Eliminating the Change Order Game: The term “change order” has long been associated with budget adjustments, time extensions, and disputes in the construction world. MySmartPlans was explicitly designed to tackle this issue head-on by ensuring accountability and transparency throughout the project lifecycle. By acting as a third-party gatekeeper of project information, MySmartPlans empowers stakeholders to view audited data, providing a comprehensive picture of any modifications that may be warranted for additional funding. With a 16-year history of success, MySmartPlans has successfully ended numerous unwarranted change orders.  

Game-Changing Solutions: MySmartPlans has stopped several detrimental change order practices that have plagued the industry for years. These include manipulating meeting minutes, which MySmartPlans prevents by actively participating in meetings and immediately posting accurate minutes. Weather delays are no longer exploited, thanks to MySmartPlans’ monitoring and archiving of site weather conditions 24/7. The platform also eliminates scheduling manipulation, which would typically lead to inflated general needs and unjustified change order requests. Additionally, MySmartPlans provides evidence of document delivery and viewing, preventing contractors from claiming ignorance.  

The Power of Organization and Audited Data: By utilizing MySmartPlans, construction projects gain access to an organized, audited, and vetted tool that ensures smooth operations and mitigates the risk of litigation or arbitration. The software’s unique feature of pairing a Digital Information Librarian with complete project knowledge sets it apart from other technologies in the market. MySmartPlans enables complete, organized, correct, audited, and searchable documentation, fostering transparency, efficiency, and substantial cost savings. Furthermore, it guarantees a seamless turnover of data upon project completion, empowering stakeholders with a comprehensive record for future reference.  

Building for the Future: The construction industry is at a turning point, and it is time to break free from the shackles of outdated practices. MySmartPlans is leading the charge toward a new era of construction where technology is seamlessly integrated with human expertise. The platform’s ability to expose the tricks and games played within the industry opens our eyes to a better way of building. With MySmartPlans, you no longer must settle for the status quo. Embrace the future of construction, where accountability, transparency, and efficiency reign supreme.  

MySmartPlans is not just a construction platform; it is a game-changer that revolutionizes how projects are executed. By leveraging the power of technology and human expertise, MySmartPlans eradicates the chaos and uncertainty that have plagued the industry for too long. Embrace the opportunity to build for the future, avoiding costly budget overages, schedule extensions, construction litigation, and uncompleted projects. Connect with MySmartPlans today and join the movement toward a construction industry built on accountability, transparency, and success. 


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