Reverb Distillery
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Reverb Distillery: A Unique Twist on Whiskey and Navigating the Economic Climate as an Early Stage Spirit Company

Craig Bryan, a seasoned entrepreneur and lawyer, is gearing up to launch his latest startup, Reverb Distillery. Reverb is a whiskey brand with a unique twist: The whiskey is aged in barrels using sound waves from speakers, contributing to the aging process and creating a harmonious spirit.

When asked about the current investor climate for just-launched early-stage spirit companies,  Reverb CEO and founder Bryan admits that most of the United States is currently “pencils down” on new investments, including in the seed and startup space for spirit brands. Despite the current economic climate, Bryan is passionate about this project and has put his limited free time into it. He raised all of the capital to get from start to MVP before the economic downturn so he can have the brand on shelves, so he has been free from that pressure. 

However, the increase in interest rates translates into higher loan payments, which then impacts the bottom line. That change alters the quantity of bottles that can be put on the shelves in the next three to six months and the amount of capital available for marketing.

Bryan is not new to the investment world; as both a seasoned lawyer and entrepreneur, he has invested in other industries like real estate. So how does his journey with Reverb compare to those previous investment experiences? According to Bryan, the blocking and tackling are the same: Find a need, develop a product that fulfills the need, ensure that the underwriting and due diligence is done, and then produce the product that fulfills that need. The real key is surrounding yourself with the right people to help make it a reality. 

But in addition to those practical realities, Reverb is also a passion project for Bryan, and he enjoys distilling and building a spirits brand. This particular launch and startup are different from a real estate development because of the experiences that surround it, and the memories he’s making with his family and friends.

Reverb Distillery offers a range of products, including Reverb Distilling American Whiskey, Reverb Distilling Bourbon, Reverb Distilling Gin, and Reverb Distilling Rum. The use of sound waves to age the whiskey creates a unique experience for consumers, and the brand’s tagline, “Barrel Aged. Music Finished,” speaks to this unique process. 

Between that, and Bryan’s keen acumen in obtaining the necessary capital before the economic downturn to get products to shelves and scoping out the right team, Bryan is optimistic that Reverb’s unique spirits won’t just survive the current downturn, but will emerge with a reverberating splash. 

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