IGH Launches Courses on Mental Health at the Workplace
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IGH Launches Courses on Mental Health at the Workplace

In today’s fast-paced and high-pressure work environments, the need to prioritize mental health has become more critical than ever. As companies strive to improve employee productivity and maintain a competitive edge, the well-being of employees often takes a backseat. However, research shows that mental health is not only essential for individual well-being but also directly affects organizational success. The Institute of Global Health (IGH) recognizes this urgent need and has launched a course specifically addressing mental health challenges in the workplace.

The Importance of Mental Health at Work

Mental health plays a crucial role in workplace dynamics. Employees facing chronic stress, anxiety, or burnout are less likely to perform efficiently, collaborate effectively, or remain engaged with their tasks. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression and anxiety alone cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion annually in lost productivity.

Stress-related illnesses have long been a major cause of absenteeism and turnover in the corporate world. High workloads, tight deadlines, and poor work-life balance create a vicious cycle that depletes both mental and physical energy, ultimately impacting the long-term success of organizations. Therefore, addressing mental health is not only a moral responsibility for businesses but also a strategic investment.

IGH’s Response: Course on Mental Health at the Workplace

In response to the rising mental health challenges in corporate settings, the Institute of Global Health (IGH), co-founded by Sabira Arefin, has introduced a course that tackles the complex relationship between mental health, stress management, and workplace productivity. The upcoming event, hosted by Scholars Summit, is entitled “Mental Health at the Workplace: Management of Stress and its Effects on Mind, Body, and Longevity.”

The Vision Behind the Course

Sabira Arefin, an influential figure in global health, combines her extensive knowledge from her studies at Duke University and Harvard Medical School to guide this initiative. With her expertise in global healthcare leadership, Arefin has made it her mission to promote healthier and more sustainable work environments. Through this course, professionals will learn how stress affects not just employee productivity but also their long-term health.

The course aims to provide practical strategies for improving workplace mental health. It will equip business executive coaches, health experts, and corporate leaders with the tools to manage stress, enhance employee well-being, and create supportive workplace cultures.

Why Corporate Leaders Should Attend

Attending this event is critical for corporate leaders, HR professionals, and managers who want to promote a healthy workplace culture. By learning how to effectively manage employee stress and mental health, companies can enhance productivity, improve employee satisfaction, and foster an environment of well-being.

Call for Papers and Participation

The IGH is actively inviting submissions for papers related to workplace mental health, burnout, and stress management. This provides a unique opportunity for experts in the field to contribute to a global discussion on mental health in corporate environments.

Professionals from diverse backgrounds, including business coaches, health and wellness experts, psychologists, and corporate leaders, are encouraged to submit their research and findings. The event aims to foster a multidisciplinary exchange of ideas that can shape the future of mental health policies in the workplace.

Prioritizing Mental Health

Mental health in the workplace is a growing concern, and it requires immediate attention from corporate leaders, HR professionals, and employees alike. The Institute of Global Health’s course, “Mental Health at the Workplace: Management of Stress and its Effects on Mind, Body, and Longevity,” is a step toward creating healthier, more productive work environments. By focusing on stress management and long-term health, businesses can not only boost productivity but also contribute to the well-being and longevity of their employees.

For more information on the course, to submit papers, or to participate in this event, visit GlobalHealthInstitute.com or ScholarsSummit.org.


Published By: Aize Perez

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