Healthy self-esteem in youths can help them refrain from social ills, says Enrichly
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Healthy self-esteem in youths can help them refrain from social ills, says Enrichly

Unhealthy self esteem in youth can lead to a litany of problems throughout one’s life: including having poor relationships with others, acting out in violent ways, and often leads to unhealthy feelings, such as low or lack of self-confidence, poor sense of identity, feelings of incompetence, and loneliness. 

Unhealthy self esteem can also mean having a poor opinion of one’s self. Having a healthy self-esteem is beyond just generally liking one’s self—it also helps in believing that one deserves love, kindness and niceness. It helps in valuing one’s own feelings, thoughts, opinions, goals, and interests. Having a healthy self esteem can also play a role in how a person allows others to treat them.

Enrichly is a Texas-based digital learning platform that leverages technology, gamification, and human interactions to effectively develop self-esteem in people, especially children and young adults. They believe that unhealthy self-esteem prevents people, especially young ones from realizing their true potential. Enrichly believes that the best way to improve a person’s self-esteem is by making them realize their real value. It says when people know their real worth, they do not develop unhealthy self-esteem, even in the face of criticism.

Founder and CEO of Enrichly, Margo Jordan, says Enrichly helps children grow their self-esteem through an e-learning platform and gaming app. The company is committed to helping youth reach their full potential through programs purposefully built to improve self-esteem and boost confidence. Margo explains that the company is pioneering the Personal Development Technology (PD Tech) industry, by leveraging AI alongside onsite mental health curriculum that makes self-esteem improvement fun for young students. Enrichly presents their self-esteem curriculum in a personalized and engaging manner, which makes it easier for schools, youth organizations, and parents to invest in their children’s well-being and overall happiness.

Margo Jordan, reveals that she personally experienced the negative effects of unhealthy self-esteem as a child, which later inspired her to create a solution for it. According to the CDC, about 75% of children suffer from unhealthy self-esteem, a situation Jordan aims to address head-on. Enrichly’s carefully created curriculum helps young people who battle unhealthy self-esteem, no matter how deeply rooted it is.

“Our programs have proved successful over the years, attracting interest from schools and organizations seeking to implement them. Our approach involves implementing self-esteem development programs digitally and on-site, incorporating a personal development curriculum. We collect actionable insights by noting students’ self-esteem before and after participation, which helps in measuring the level of growth achieved. We also evaluate the impact of improved self-esteem on academic performance, mental health outcomes, and other relevant factors. We’re pleased and charged to do more, knowing that our programs actually improve the self-esteem of kids.,” she reiterates.

Margo says Enrichly has established a National Youth Advisory Board. Composed of a diverse group of experienced and resourceful individuals, this board helps Enrichly, by providing valuable input on the company’s initiatives and strategies for engaging with youth. She explains that board members actively share how Enrichly’s work resonates in their respective states, helping in identifying priorities that align with ongoing efforts. Enrichly has also implemented Regional Youth Advisory Boards, which creates direct opportunities for young adults to provide input on the company’s projects and engagement strategies.

She reveals that Enrichly will be having the soft launch of its web app on the 16th of September 2023, while the official web app is expected to be available in December. The soft launch will be held in Houston on the 16th, giving parents and caregivers the opportunity to come in with their kids to try out the web app, offer thoughts, advice on how they like the experience, and even talk about what changes they will like to see on the app. Enrichly also welcomes decision makers and leaders in education to join them for this event. Those interested in attending the event can sign up: Here

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