Trey Chapman
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Trey Chapman- 45 years of Hard work and Dedication

Trey Chapman started working when he was around 18 years old and has not stopped since. Mr. Chapman’s life went through a series of ups and downs and many many changes, all within the food and beverage industry. His hard work and dedication have got him where he stands today.

Mr. Chapma’s passion for the industry started with his family. When Trey was born, his family already had a 60-year head start! They were pioneers of the food and beverage industry in Fort Worth, Texas; not only working in restaurants but also their farming and ranching business as well. You could say the Chapman’s were operating a farm-to-table restaurant back when farm-to-table was the only way you could operate and was not a “trendy thing” in this industry.

For Mr. Chapman, it has been 45 years of Hard work, dedication, and research reporting on food chefs and unique experiences in the food, drink, and culinary industry. He actively continues to visit chefs and kitchens around the USA to enhance his knowledge of the food and culinary world and be able to share it with his steadily growing audience around the world.

It has now been 14th years with Trey’s Chow Down brands, and it is growing faster than ever! On track to reach 500,000 total followers on its 11 social media platforms. Trey is starting season 5 of Trey’s Chow Down LIVE and a new food show series. Chapman’s personal goal is to attract five million followers and for Trey’s Chow Down, to be valued for food and chef reviews around the USA by every man, woman, and food lover!

We can all agree that 45 years is many years of hard work in anyone’s book and Mr. Chapman has surely done the work. There is no doubt that this brought about his ongoing success in this tricky industry. I believe that to achieve any kind of success in this world, one needs to work hard, but Trey Chapman has demonstrated a whole new level of ‘grind’, and we could all learn a thing or two from such an accomplished face in the food and beverage industry.


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