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The Importance of Reducing Carbon Emissions and What Is Doing to Help

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Dr. Soudip Roy Chowdhury, Founder and CEO of, believes now is the time for industrial corporations to prioritize improving sustainability by reducing carbon emissions.

“We are at a pivotal moment in history, in which human activities have resulted in the worst climate scenario our planet has seen in the last 2,000 years,” Dr. Roy Chowdhury warns. “At, we wish to make people aware of the urgency of the climate change issue, especially those in the industrial sector. We must realize that we are at a decisive moment where our actions will determine the quality of life of future generations.”

Dr. Soudip and the team at are world leaders in the development of solutions for increasing sustainability in the industrial sector. Their platform provides end-to-end emission intelligence, such as emission monitoring, diagnostics, and reduction that empowers organizations to optimize their operations for sustainability.

“As the world moves toward a net-zero future, in which decarbonization is the priority, industrial companies will need to evaluate their own environmental footprint and consider how best to reduce emissions across different operations,” Dr. Soudip says. “With the current technological advancements and the availability of robust solutions like those provided by, it has become possible for organizations to make a viable and smooth transition to sustainability.”

The industrial sector’s role in climate change

Greenhouse gases are gases that accumulate in the earth’s atmosphere and trap the sun’s heat, resulting in dangerous increases in the earth’s temperature levels. Carbon dioxide, which is released when fossil fuels are burned, is one of the primary greenhouse gases contributing to the current climate crisis

“In 1986, the atmospheric composition of carbon dioxide surpassed 360 parts per million (ppm), which is the safe limit for preserving a significant portion of our planet’s biodiversity,” explains Dr. Soudip. “Today, the level is 400 ppm and increasing rapidly. It’s obvious that the transition to sustainability is long overdue — by two decades, at least.”

Over 50 percent of today’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the industrial sector, and that percentage is growing. This makes heavy manufacturing industries like mining, oil, gas, and steel the focal point of global decarbonization efforts. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has recommended coordinated efforts by those industries to reduce emissions by 20 to 25 percent through the use of advanced technology.

The solutions provides for reducing carbon emissions

Efforts to reduce carbon emissions must start with identifying a baseline for those emissions, which depends on organizations having sufficient data readiness and sensorization. Once a baseline is established, organizations can identify excess emissions by assessing deviations from the baseline. When excess emissions are detected, they must be traced back to the exact assets or processes responsible for creating them. The cause of the deviation must then be determined and a real-time, actionable solution to rectify it must be identified.

The platform identifies and addresses excess emissions added due to the inefficiencies in industrial operations with the type of advanced technological solutions that the IPCC recommends. By using digital twins to replicate an organization’s operations, is able to get a holistic view of complex industrial systems. As excess emissions are detected (using Eugenie’s satellite data based emission pattern detection module), the digital twin can trace the problem to its source and develop recommendations for eliminating it.

“From a business standpoint, the capacity to build digital twins is revolutionary,” Dr. Roy Chowdhury explains. “Beyond showing the virtual representation of their physical counterparts, digital twins enable simulations, the forecasting of potential outcomes determined by critical decisions, and the comparison of probable scenarios. Well-designed digital twin solutions can offer a wide range of benefits ranging from improved product quality to improved sustainability impact. Be it maintenance schedules, process optimization, or emissions tracking, digital twins deliver prolific possibilities for the industrial world.”

Traditionally, AI-based digital twins operate in black boxes, meaning that they provide insights without traceability and their algorithms populate recommendations without providing transparency related to how they were derived.’s model for digital twins takes a different approach to traceability that leverages machine data, satellite data, and physics-based models to deliver deeper and more actionable insights.

The growing pressure to improve sustainability

In the past, sustainability was an issue studied by scientists and debated by scholars. Today, it is a topic in which all of a corporation’s stakeholders have taken an interest. 

Industries that fail to acknowledge and address the need for sustainability could easily find themselves suffering from the negative attention of consumers, investors, and regulators. In the area of excess carbon emissions, a failure to pursue sustainability could soon result in businesses facing excess taxation.

“On top of all the scientific evidence that has been presented during the past two decades regarding the need for serious sustainability initiatives, businesses must know that carbon taxation is coming,” says Dr. Soudip. “With draft bills being evaluated in the European Union, parts of Asia, and the US, organizations responsible for disproportionate industrial emissions may soon find themselves penalized for their role.”

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