Friday, April 19, 2024

Daniel Kryznel, Owner of the God Walk Application, Shares His Passion for Helping People Hear from God

Individuals often make decisions without asking God’s will or following heavenly guidance. You should be aware that common sense alone will not get you very far in life. God alone can bestow both wisdom and power. God desires to communicate with us. To live a meaningful life, you have to listen to God, and Daniel’s goal is to help others hear from God and pay attention to him.

Daniel, the owner of the God Walk app, helps users get daily access to God’s revelation through the God Walk app. When out for a morning walk, anyone can take out their smartphone and use the app to directly ask God questions. God directly communicates with them through the app so they can receive revelation on what to do with their lives. And in their relationships, this very app will alter everything. The world would be eternally changed by Daniel’s “God walk with God speed.”

Daniel says that God inspired him to take up and complete this job. “Like I normally do, I went on a God Walk one morning. God informed me I had to alter the world for him when I first woke up and was in conversation with him. I had to create this empire. I had to develop this app and distribute it widely. I follow through on any revelation God gives me, and that was a direct revelation I had,” Daniel narrated. His goal is to introduce as many people as possible to God throughout his time on earth.

Daniel’s main challenge before beginning this endeavor was finding his actual purpose and passion. Despite having a lot of money, Daniel felt hollow before the insight that led him to build the God Walk app. He sought clarification because he wanted to understand his vocation. He received the directive to introduce as many individuals as possible to God. What Daniel does isn’t a business, it is all about teaching individuals to trust God and assisting them in finding solutions. A direct link with God, the supreme coach of the universe, is the most powerful and crucial thing you can have when creating a great business. God will inspire you and take inspired acts when you’re linked to your real purpose in life and let him in.

He said, “Here’s what I know: Many people know that God will tell them what they should do but are reluctant to actually do what they should. Daniel refers to such as fear. According to him, fear is the antithesis of courage. Fear prevents you from hearing God’s voice and acting on what He is directing you to do. Being terrified of God and his message to you shows a lack of courage.

Daniel defines success as being able to spend meaningful time with the people you love and with yourself, as well as finding fulfillment in what you do. “You are successful if you are enormously wealthy and fulfilled,” he stated. He counsels aspiring entrepreneurs to pursue their passions and develop a skill set that would allow them to offer value to their businesses. The most crucial thing is, to begin with, God. You must pray and pay attention to God’s answers. You can ask him any question, and he will know the answer. “Let God lead the way,” Daniel urges.

If you’d like to learn more about Daniel and his projects or you’re interested in following Daniel on his journey, find him on Instagram

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