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Artificial Intelligence – The Transition of Operations

Image Commercially Licensed From: Unsplash

The world has experienced a digital shift for the past decade or more, and the current capability that businesses have started to leverage is Artificial Intelligence. The next phase of human evolution will be linked to the widespread success, usage and contentment created by AI. Now, more than ever, it is time for the average person to learn the value of AI advancement and its impact on everyday life.

The current post-corona era has ushered in a prolonged period of unrest. As business and economic structures continue to change, expect the long-term effects on humanity to be eye-opening. The harsh reality is that we are only beginning to understand the consequences. What we do know is that the way people live and work is shifting. The isolation created by shutdowns and controls developed by governments and corporations has changed how life and commerce flow. As a result, demand for tech advancements will accelerate to meet the increasing need for more people to connect in new ways.

Shifting back to how things were before the corona outbreak has been challenging. It was difficult enough to accept change as the pandemic spread. To forget and be expected to change back to the way things are simply impossible. People will not ignore the extensive loss of life and will adjust to their livelihoods. Today, everyone faces new circumstances that have changed daily routines. The lapse of operations for most of the world caused unimaginable losses. To overcome this change, the need for convenient solutions that can improve and rejuvenate business will grow. To overcome setbacks, the need to accelerate the shift to how we live and work in the future will bring out the glamour of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is much more than a new capability; it is the means to become more effective at what you do daily. AI can augment human activity by helping people do things better. AI can process vast amounts of information instantaneously. Today, AI can create and process data an average human can’t comprehend to achieve. It is not possible to replace the loss made during the pandemic, but it is possible to speed up change by helping businesses and governments to become more efficient. The impact AI will have on salvaging and improving the use of resources will be staggering. AI represents one of the most important capabilities available to humanity today.

To grasp the influence AI will have on the world economy, consider the impact AI will have on worldwide economic output. According to Charles Caldwell, author of Living Smart with Heart, AI will contribute $7.6 trillion to worldwide GDP by 2030. AI value in North America should amount to $2.8 trillion, to $2.1 trillion in Europe, to $1.6 trillion in the Pacific Rim, to $213 billion in South America, to $238 billion in the Middle East & Africa, and to $698 billion in the rest of the world. At the same time, we expect waste due to cybercrimes, fraud, and abuse to grow to $1.2 trillion by 2030. AI will grow to reduce this waste by 5% to 7% initially. To efficiently handle the world’s data processing needs, businesses must adopt AI to improve daily operations across all industry segments.

AI can be developed to suit your specific needs regardless of who you are or where or what you do for work. To realize the true potential of AI, it is important to explore what you want to accomplish in your life. Once you know, you can apply AI to realize your goals and ambitions. You are the source of your own success. AI cannot replicate the human tenacity to think, your progress solely relies upon how you think, feel and act. What AI can do is aid in the way you plan, set goals, and execute. Problems will rise and fall and carry forward to the next day. AI will help you cope with the times while creating opportunities to better your world and produce a more problem-free tomorrow.

 Name: Charles Caldwell



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