Amazon Continues to Lead the Delivery of Accessible Technological Innovations

Having to juggle one’s work, social, and personal life can be tough to handle. Too often, people run out of necessary “me time” to treat themselves with self-pampering because of their hectic schedules. Luckily, in this era of technology, everything is easily within reach through computers or smartphones. And Amazon has been leading these innovations since its foundation.

The American multinational technology company focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. It has been referred to as “one of the most influential economic and cultural forces in the world,” as well as the “world’s most valuable brand.” From providing a digital marketplace, music platform, subscription video-on-demand streaming and rental services to rolling out the latest research in cloud computing platforms, APIs, and virtual assistant AI technology; Amazon really has it all.

Initially founded by Jeff Bezos as an online marketplace for books, the company has reached and expanded from his garage to the whole world. It is now one of the big five companies in the United States information technology industry alongside Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook. 

Amazon continues to dominate the online shopping platform with its low price offers, free shipping, and commitment to customer convenience. One can find the cheapest alternative to their favorite outfits or looks that they found out on Pinterest just through scrolling in Amazon. It has developed this highly competitive industry by introducing superior search queries, recommendations based on past searches, one-click ordering at check-out, and, most recently, dash buttons for automatic re-ordering.

Amazon Alexa, simply referred to by most as Alexa, provides the interconnected world with another peek at the future of accessible technology. It is a virtual assistant AI technology developed by Amazon. It can perform voice interaction, play music, make to-do lists, set alarms, stream podcasts, play audiobooks, and provide weather, traffic, sports, and other real-time information. For users, it is like having a mini helper in the household that one can depend on.

These key differentiators keep Amazon at the top of its league. People today easily take these services for granted because it has become a deeply-ingrained part of the culture. However, most of these sources of public convenience were unheard of before Amazon. As it has always been, innovation lies at the heart of the company.

Very few companies, if any, consistently make headlines for groundbreaking efforts, such as experiments with drones for delivery. Even the public’s ready adoption of these innovations — things that would be deemed impossible by people in the past — is a testament to Amazon’s prowess. At the end of the day, the measure of the success of technological developments is its ability to trickle down into the hands of everyday people.

Amazon’s unique approach to delighting its customers has elevated the company to where it is right now. In its pursuit of practical innovations for every market segment, it has branched out to different services that cater to consumers’ various needs. Those who remain baffled at the success of Amazon only need to recognize how the company anticipated the needs of today’s fast-paced lifestyle.



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