Building a Better Future: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew’s Vision for American Justice and Economic Growth

Building a Better Future: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew’s Vision for American Justice and Economic Growth
Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew is not just a name but a phenomenon in the American landscape of justice, economic growth, and entrepreneurship. Her journey, marked by perseverance and a vision for a brighter future, has become a beacon of hope and inspiration for many across the globe. With a career that spans over three decades, Dr. Liew’s influence stretches across the realms of investing, legal services, and beyond, painting a portrait of a leader deeply committed to societal advancement and individual empowerment.

Dr. Liew’s educational odyssey is nothing short of impressive, with a Doctorate in Business Administration focusing on international trade, e-commerce, IT, and finance from Pacific State University. Her passion for continuous learning saw her attain two post-doctoral degrees in biblical preaching and Christian sales, marketing, and nonprofit management, alongside numerous certifications and courses from prestigious institutions like Harvard, Wharton, and MIT. These academic achievements have not only enriched her knowledge base but have also equipped her with the tools to navigate and lead in a myriad of professional landscapes.

At the core of Dr. Liew’s success lies her ventures in real estate investment and the fintech industry. Since 1996, she has been a dynamic force in real estate, acquiring over 50 certifications and founding numerous companies that provide legal services and support for both local and international investors. This endeavor has significantly contributed to job creation and economic growth in California and beyond. Meanwhile, her pioneering work in founding fintech companies since the same year has revolutionized credit card processing and merchant services, aiding countless small business owners and fostering a culture of innovation and support within the sector.

Beyond her remarkable achievements in business and finance, Dr. Liew’s devotion to community service and education is equally commendable. Through founding organizations like the Christian Business Owners Association, Global Jesus Mission Churches, and the Meridian Institute of Technology University, she has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to nurturing future generations, supporting entrepreneurs, and addressing the educational needs of the less fortunate.

Dr. Liew’s foray into the political arena, with candidacies for U.S. Congress and Senate, is a testament to her dedication to broader societal impact. Her campaign is built on the foundation of saving the economy, creating jobs, and ensuring justice and prosperity for all Americans. Her education at the Harvard Kennedy School in government and public policy further underscores her readiness to tackle the challenges facing the nation with informed solutions and visionary leadership.

Recognition for Dr. Liew’s contributions has been widespread, with numerous awards and features in esteemed publications highlighting her impact across investing, legal services, and entrepreneurship. Her stories of success have been showcased on reputable platforms such as Yahoo Finance, WRAL News-NBC affiliate, Fox 40, and more, solidifying her status as a thought leader and a force for positive change.

Today, Dr. Liew continues to influence through her media channels, PR firm, and as the host of the “Dr. Sarah Liew Show for Today’s America and World.” Additionally, she is engaged in writing 20 books, including a co-authored project with Brian Tracy and a memoir of her immigration journey to America, aiming to inspire and educate on entrepreneurship, leadership, and the power of perseverance.

Dr. Liew’s vision for American justice and economic growth is not just about policy changes or economic strategies; it’s about building a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, contribute, and lead meaningful lives. Her dedication to empowering entrepreneurs, small business owners, and individuals from all walks of life goes beyond her podcast and into the heart of her mission to create a more equitable, prosperous, and just society.

In the contemporary landscape where innovation intersects with a profound commitment to societal progress, Dr. Sarah Sun Liew distinguishes herself as an influential trailblazer. Esteemed platforms such as US Insider, Wall Street Times, and San Francisco Post have chronicled her journey, painting a portrait of a leader dedicated to spearheading transformative change across diverse sectors.

Dr. Liew’s foray into finance and real estate, lauded by publications like Real Estate Today, reveals her knack for pioneering strategies that not only promise financial growth but also advocate for the cultivation of sustainable communities. This blend of ambition and altruism has secured her commendations for her visionary approach to leadership and her capacity to galvanize community development.

Her ventures extend beyond mere business success, delving into the realms of technology and non-profits, where her initiatives, celebrated by LA Wire and NY Weekly, underscore her commitment to educational advancement and entrepreneurship. This holistic approach to leadership, showcased in CEO Weekly, positions her as a dynamic force reshaping the contours of the global business landscape.

Dr. Liew’s steadfast dedication to effecting social change and championing justice is vividly captured by Influencer Daily and US Reporter, reflecting her deep-rooted desire to instigate substantial positive transformations. Her efforts in enhancing education and propelling real estate innovations have been recognized by Voyage NY and US Business News, emphasizing her pivotal role in driving economic prosperity.

Her narrative, as depicted in Famous Times and Economic Insider, serves as a beacon of inspiration, illustrating her journey from educator to entrepreneur, underscored by a profound community impact. This narrative is complemented by her recognition in Entertainment Post and Kivo Daily, which celebrate her leadership and her groundbreaking contributions to real estate and technology.

Acknowledged by Portland News and LA Wire for her significant input in public policy and legal services, Dr. Liew’s multifaceted career epitomizes the essence of innovation, leadership, and unwavering dedication to the betterment of society. Through her diverse accomplishments, Dr. Liew emerges as a luminary, tirelessly working towards a brighter, more equitable future for all.

For those looking to learn more about Dr. Liew’s initiatives, services, or to engage with her transformative projects, her team can be reached via email at


Published by: Raf Aspillaga

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