Spiritual Healing Brought Down to Earth Karen Foote’s Mission to Raise Awareness About Holistic Methods
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Spiritual Healing Brought Down to Earth: Karen Foote’s Mission to Raise Awareness About Holistic Methods

By: Maria Williams 

Regardless of age, gender, lifestyle, or priorities, everyone desires health. While physical well-being has been the only socially acceptable form of healthiness for centuries, recent years have demonstrated a seismic, promising shift in people’s perspective on the mental and spiritual aspects. Although the eagerly anticipated change for the better is gaining traction, spiritual health specifically is still a topic veiled in much taboo, sparking skeptical looks and controversial discussions. 

For Karen Foote, a spiritual healer of 15 years and founder of Rebalance Reiki and Massage, the lack of reliable sources and easily accessible support is one of the main obstacles to unlocking inner spiritual gifts. According to Karen, everyone can connect to their spiritual side, but people often shut their gifts down through a lack of awareness and support or after traumatic experiences, which often stem from childhood. Overcoming these traumas is crucial in regaining harmony in life, and that’s what Karen aims to do through Rebalance Reiki and Massage.

“As a child, I’ve always been more sensitive than my peers or siblings. When I was 14, my grandfather came to me in a dream, and I felt it was real. My sensitivity also revealed itself through a special connection I’ve always felt to the elements and the wind. Back then, I didn’t know it was my spirituality emerging from the depths, and although I was raised in a religious home, I knew there was something more to what I was experiencing,” shared Karen.

At 16, Karen learned about the art of massage from a TV show and started practicing on friends, family, and anyone who wanted to feel the relaxing experience. After four years of college studying Sociology, she joined a massage school, successfully turning her passion into a career. With a diploma obtained, Karen started her business, offering soothing services with paramount dedication. 

Karen’s mom’s progressive autoimmune disease, called Acute Transverse Myelitis, aligned in time with the declining sense of fulfillment within massage alone. This prompted Karen to seek other ventures, ones that would affect people on a deeper level and heal or at least relieve her mom. That led Karen to CranioSacral therapy, which taught her to sense subtle body vibrations and rely on intuition. CranioSacral classes played a pivotal role in Karen’s journey to spirituality, opening her up to the subtleties of energy and introducing her to her future spiritual teacher, who eventually mentored her through the complexities of unlocking Karen’s full holistic potential. 

“Receiving an invitation to one of my mentor’s classes broke me in an inexplicably positive way. I felt like it was a calling from God/Goddess and an affirmation that I was on the right path,” added Karen. “The class blew me away and opened all the gateways I needed to realize the spiritual power within me, stimulating my curiosity about past lives, chakras, crystals, limiting beliefs, and the healing properties of holistic methods.”

Although an epiphany moment redirected Karen’s path in life, the process of spiritual awakening happened progressively, backed by education and experience. Discovering Reiki marked a seminal moment for Karen, allowing her to invigorate spirituality through massages. The main goal of the sessions is holistic enlightenment that awakens inner healing abilities, which, according to Karen, happens best through energy and chakra cleansing.

Karen’s enlightening voyage started 30 years ago, and she’s now using her experiences, lessons, and insights to guide people on their own spiritual healing journeys. Communal rituals and collective feeling, seeing, and knowing are the most natural and intuitive ways of discovering spirituality, which is why Karen devoted herself to fostering an inclusive, supportive community where healing circles, mystical visions, and accessing esoteric realms intertwine. 

As a testament to Karen’s desire to nurture communal bonds, the spiritual healer regularly hosts fairs where various experts who share a passion for the mystical world meet. “There are multiple ways to discover spirituality. That’s why we offer approximately 30 vendors with various offerings, from crystals, tarot readings, and spiritual healing to massages, all created to inspire an outward expression of what’s under the surface,” explained Karen. 

After discovering her spirituality, Karen Foote embarked on a rewarding journey of spreading knowledge and impacting the lives of others. “I believe everybody has the ability to access the depths of their souls and embody inner power. My goal is to create awareness about this enchanting world, enabling people to take charge of their lives,” shared Karen. “Spirituality is such an abstract concept that has a tremendous impact on life, and I want to ground it, making it more common and accessible. Rebalance is all about permitting people to explore unorthodox ideas in a safe space.”

Published by: Holy Minoza

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