QuitSure: Reducing Risks and Premiums in Smoking Cessation
Photo Courtesy: RVising

QuitSure: Reducing Risks and Premiums in Smoking Cessation


For countless smokers, the journey to quit smoking is filled with challenges. Statistically, only 1 in 20 people succeed in quitting smoking, with most people attempting cessation up to 30 times. Traditional cessation methods such as unaided cessation (going cold turkey) or nicotine patches typically yield a success rate of only about 8%. (1) QuitSure, a leading smoking cessation app, has dramatically improved these odds with its clinically proven approach, achieving substantial success rates over the past three years.

Insurance Providers and Corporate Wellness Players Joining Forces

In response to the elevated risks linked with smoking, insurance companies are increasingly incorporating smoking cessation programs like QuitSure into their policy offerings. This proactive approach not only promotes healthier living but also aims to reduce the volume and severity of health-related insurance claims. Such initiatives are paving the way for more favorable premium structures and enhanced management of payouts. Initiatives that foster smoke-free environments are proving beneficial by decreasing healthcare costs, reducing absenteeism, and enhancing productivity.

Ram Chandra, co-founder of QuitSure, emphasizes, “The effectiveness, rapid outcomes, and affordability of QuitSure are key to our growing global partnerships with both corporate wellness providers and insurance companies.”

QuitSure Now Clinically Certified

Recent studies, including one published in the influential JMIR journal, report that 64.5% of QuitSure users successfully quit smoking for at least a week, with 55.8% maintaining cessation for a month.(2) These figures surpass those of many traditional programs, such as the UK’s NHS, which reports a 54% success rate.(3)

Users of QuitSure report significant reductions in withdrawal symptoms and cravings, which are often the biggest hurdles in quitting smoking. Within the first week, 94.6% of users experienced minimal to no severe withdrawal symptoms, and the craving reduction rate rose to 88% by the end of the month.(2)

The QuitSure app’s effectiveness is also notable for its time efficiency, requiring only six days to help users quit smoking, compared to the several months often necessary with other methods.

Popularity and Accessibility

QuitSure has seen over 1 million downloads and is available in English, German, and Hindi in over 150 countries. It consistently ranks in the top five in the ‘Health and Fitness’ category on Google PlayStore.

Key Reasons for Effectiveness

QuitSure’s approach to smoking cessation is centered on cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness, focusing on the psychological foundations of addiction. This innovative method assists in reprogramming the mind to effectively combat the behavioral and emotional triggers associated with smoking. By tackling these root causes, QuitSure provides a more sustainable and effective strategy for quitting smoking, fostering long-term success in overcoming nicotine dependency.


(1) – https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240039308 

(2) – Pandya A, K S M, Mishra S, Bajaj K

       Effectiveness of the QuitSure Smartphone App for Smoking Cessation: Findings of a    Prospective Single Arm Trial, JMIR Form Res 2023;7:e51658, 

       URL: https://formative.jmir.org/2023/1/e51658 

       DOI: 10.2196/51658

(3) – https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/statistics-on-nhs-stop-smoking-services-in-england/april-2022-to-march-2023-q4#chapter-index


Published By: Aize Perez

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