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From Darkness to Light: A Journey of Faith and Resilience

By: Rabbi Daniel Cohen

Sandy Greenberg’s story is a powerful tale of perseverance and triumph. Growing up in Buffalo during the 1950s, barely scraping by above the poverty line, Sandy faced more than his share of hardships. After losing his father at a young age, his life took on new hope through the support of his mother, a dedicated stepfather, and his own relentless drive. He excelled in high school, earned acceptance to Columbia University, and had his sights set on Harvard Law, politics, and a bright future.

But just when life seemed to be opening doors of opportunity, darkness descended. Sandy began to lose his eyesight due to a misdiagnosed case of glaucoma. In 1961, at a hospital in Detroit, a doctor delivered the crushing news: “Son, tomorrow you will be fully blind.” His dreams and ambitions suddenly seemed distant and unreachable.

Faced with a bleak new reality, Sandy had a choice to make: play it safe by remaining in Buffalo, or return to Columbia University to chase his dreams despite the overwhelming challenges. His friend, Arthur, became a crucial lifeline during this time. Arthur urged Sandy to return to Columbia, offering to read to him, helping him stay on course.

One pivotal moment changed Sandy’s life. While they were in midtown Manhattan, Arthur informed Sandy that he had a meeting and Sandy would need to navigate his way back to the university alone. With fear and courage battling within him, Sandy embarked on this journey. To his astonishment, despite his blindness, he made it back successfully, thanks in part to the kindness of strangers. As Sandy exited the subway at Columbia, he bumped into someone—Arthur, his roommate. Arthur revealed that he had been following him all along. “I knew you could do it,” Arthur said, “but I wanted to be sure you knew you could do it.”

This life-altering experience gave Sandy the strength to transcend his limitations and embrace a life of extraordinary achievement. His friend, Arthur, otherwise known as Art Garfunkel, was the inspiration for the iconic lyric “Hello darkness, my old friend” in the Simon & Garfunkel song, The Sound of Silence. Art became Sandy’s bridge over troubled water, helping him find light in the darkness.

This story is a metaphor for our own lives. Like Sandy, we all face moments of darkness and challenge, but those moments do not define us—they offer us a chance to grow. This idea resonates profoundly with the themes of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when we are called to reflect on our lives, confront our shortcomings, and seek forgiveness. It is a time of turning from darkness to light, of acknowledging where we have gone astray and striving to emerge renewed and stronger.

From Darkness to Light A Journey of Faith and Resilience
Photo Courtesy: Joanne McCall

Yom Kippur teaches us that even in our darkest moments, there is always an opportunity for transformation. The process of repentance, or teshuva, mirrors Sandy’s journey of finding his way through uncertainty. Just as he embraced the challenges of blindness to build a life of extraordinary achievement, Yom Kippur encourages us to face our own struggles, seek reconciliation, and let go of the burdens that weigh us down. It reminds us that the path to light is through sincere introspection, forgiveness, and acts of kindness.

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Photo Courtesy: Rabbi Daniel Cohen

As Sandy learned to navigate the world anew with the help of his friend Arthur, we too can find our way back from spiritual darkness with the support of our community and the guidance of our faith. The day is not only about seeking forgiveness from others but also about extending it to ourselves, recognizing our humanity, and embracing the possibility of growth. Just as Sandy found his inner strength through the kindness and encouragement of those around him, Yom Kippur calls on us to kindle the light within ourselves and others, creating ripples of hope and renewal that can touch the lives of many.

About Rabbi Daniel Cohen

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Photo Courtesy: Rabbi Daniel Cohen

Popular motivator, mentor, and inspirational speaker, Rabbi Daniel Cohen’s unique blend of authenticity, humor, wisdom, and insight helps anyone better navigate contemporary society and lead a life of legacy. Rabbi Cohen has served in the rabbinate for over twenty years and is the author of What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone? Creating a Life of Legacy

Published by: Martin De Juan

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