Virginia Joy's Aromatic Path to Healing and Empowerment
Photo Courtesy: Stillpoint Aromatics

Virginia Joy’s Aromatic Path to Healing and Empowerment

Empowering change one drop, one thought, and one vibration at a time; this is the mantra of Virginia Joy Musacchio MA, LMT, CBC, CCA. To those that know and love her she is known as Joy, founder of Stillpoint Aromatics and The School at Stillpoint, who the world fondly refers to as the Shaman of Aromatherapy. With an impressive gamut of certifications under her belt and a Master’s degree in Education, Virginia has sculpted a sanctuary for those seeking solace in the natural world through the magic of essential oils.

Special moments often come in small packages – or in this case, small droplets. Virginia’s take on managing the overwhelming waves of stress, anxiety, and burnout is refreshingly straightforward. According to her, all it takes to reclaim your peace in the cacophony of everyday life is a simple blend of essential oils – lavender, bergamot, and laurel leaf. She shares that diffusing these oils creates an atmosphere conducive to relaxation, and offers a fast track to affecting one’s mood or psyche. The power of lavender brings balance, bergamot tackles anxiety, and laurel leaf instills a sense of protection and courage.

Virginia Joy’s approach is deeply intuitive, yet scientifically grounded. She believes that no pre-poured oil can rival one that’s hand-poured with intention and love, which is why each bottle from Stillpoint Aromatics is crafted individually for its recipient. It’s the personalized touch, she explains, along with her dedication to using only wild-harvested, organic, or unsprayed oils, that sets Stillpoint Aromatics apart and leads to truly transformative experiences.

But Virginia Joy’s expertise stretches beyond just the bottles of serenity she offers. Her expansive knowledge encompasses energy medicine and metaphysical science, allowing her to operate not just as a purveyor of oils but as a holistic healer. She takes pride in empowering her clients, be they humans or animals, by guiding them through their healing journey with consultations, coaching, and educational workshops. From catastrophic grief and trauma to day-to-day stressors that chip away at peace, she addresses it all.

“Our sense of smell is just pure magic,” Virginia Joy explains. “Aromatherapy harnesses the healing power of plants to not only nurture your body but your mind and spirit as well.” She advocates for the importance of embracing a joyful, awakened life—a philosophy that’s deeply embedded in every facet of her business, from the curated selection of oils to the workshops designed to enlighten and educate.

Her empathy goes beyond human concerns as she also specializes in holistic pet care. Virginia provides a comforting hand to pet owners, helping them navigate their animal companions’ wellness with the same thoughtful use of essential oils and herbs.

For those seeking an even deeper dive into transformation, Virginia Joy offers her renowned Mystery School. Held within the powerful vortexes of Sedona, this retreat is an invitation to profound healing and self-discovery. “Attending this retreat was, without exaggeration, a life-saving experience for me… Joy is the real deal, a true Shaman. It is my great hope to return in 2024,” shares Ren S, a previous participant. The next Mystery School experience will take place in August of this year.

Virginia Joy's Aromatic Path to Healing and Empowerment

To those seeking her wisdom, Virginia Musacchio is a stone’s throw – or a click – away, inviting interested souls to find her in the heart of Sedona or connect virtually through Zoom. Her virtual doorstep is wide open across various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, and LinkedIn. These channels act as portals to her wisdom, insight, and the transformative power of each carefully selected drop.

Join the ranks of seekers, plant medicine enthusiasts, and holistic health aficionados who have found a mentor in Virginia. Stillpoint Aromatics isn’t just an essential oil company; it’s a movement driven by the belief that everyone deserves to experience a joyful, peaceful existence—one drop, one thought, and one vibration at a time. Discover the power of the drop, and you might just find that the universe’s secrets can fit in the palm of your hand.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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