Helping clients reach an optimal ‘Flow State’ is what the founder of Alpha Flow Athletics, Jeff Meyer, does best. He utilizes neuroscience to help conquer any and all self-limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs while squashing anything that makes them sad, anxious and depressed, or ‘SAD’. In fact, when people find themselves in flow, their brains function at 1,000x its processing power, seeing a difference in their abilities, both professionally and personally.
How does he do it, you might be asking yourself?
Meyer helps clients realize that they were born with diamond-like capabilities. His clients, which stem from high-level business professionals, entrepreneurs and C-level executives, typically struggle with uncertainty, distraction and self-doubt. He aims to help them overcome those.
“When someone has reached an optimal state of flow, that is when they will perform at their best,” Meyer stated. “About 77% of our daily thoughts are self-defeating, so when we can find focus and clarity, understanding our thoughts, we can avoid going down the wrong paths.”
Having helped guide medical professionals, entrepreneurs and lawyers, including those at Fortune 500 and 100 companies, conquer the struggles associated with holding prominent positions, Meyer has cemented himself as the go-to ‘Flow State’ expert.
“There are four phases and 22 triggers that can help us get into our states of flow,” said Meyer. “When it comes to struggle, embrace it and dive in. Have a clear goal for yourself. Once your prefrontal cortex clicks off, you are then in the zone. As a result, a superhuman cocktail begins stirring in us and we become recession proof- the ultimate competitive advantage.”
Through unique methods, including five key shifts, he helps clients navigate the rigors of their lives, both on professional and personal levels. Regardless of the issues they are facing, whether negative feedback from colleagues, customers or the general public, a reliance on drugs or alcohol, bouts of self-judgment, feelings of burnout, performance issues and other issues, he helps them reach their full potential and find a better mental wellbeing as a result.
“The goal in joining the program is for clients to use ‘Flow State’ to sharpen individual performance, triple productivity and reach goals in record time,” said Meyer. “We all have thoughts running through our minds, 24/7, and if we begin to control them, our peers and employees will notice our internal wellbeing, our renewed confidence and freedom and want to follow our lead.”
The Coach with the Most
Often hailed as a Yoda-type performance coach, Meyer is both patient and soft spoken while holding his clients to a high-level of accountability and guiding them to reach ‘Flow State’ and achieve mental clarity. He creates a safe space for clients and one that embraces a calming tranquility.
The former NCAA men’s basketball coach, who previously served at the University of Northern Colorado, Colorado State University and five-different high schools, for a span of 30 years, has left an impression on more than 2,000 student-athletes. Never one to yell or throw chairs, Meyer has always been in a leadership position and earned the respect he is given and generously reciprocates.
He has a bachelor’s degree in social psychological kinesiology, a master’s degree in pedagogy, and earned his degrees while living in a 600-square foot apartment with his wife and three kids. Additionally, he is also a certified expert in both brain health and HeartMath.
Meyer has been featured on popular media outlets sharing his ‘Flow State’ expertise, and has authored books on the subject, including the forthcoming, Athletic Genius: Activating Alpha Athleticism Through Heart Intelligence, Mindset and Vision.
“Everyone’s involved in some level of competition. We must be as mentally strong as we are physically strong. We help executives reach their respective ‘Flow State’, which makes them nearly 500% more productive,” said Meyer. “When in this state of mind, one can do more in a single day than their colleagues can over the course of a week. Understanding one’s thoughts is key as it helps them focus.”
With decades of experience in helping numerous people, from all walks of life, Meyer’s Alpha Flow Executive Performance Coaching Program is sure to help enlighten the minds of company leaders, but also light a fire in them to ensure success for years to come.
About Jeff Meyer
Jeff Meyer, a lifetime sports performance coach, has worked with well known professional and Olympic athletes to Fortune 500 and Fortune100 Executives, and Universities. To learn more about Alpha Flow Executive, please visit