5 Ways in Which Health Coach Erika Schlick Helps You Start 2022 on a Positive Note

A new year has started, and people spend the first few weeks working on their resolutions and sticking to their goals and plans. However, it can be challenging to stick to those goals throughout the year as life gets busier and obstacles may arise. Luckily, some experts give their advice and knowledge on sticking to resolutions. Here are 5 ways in which health coach Erika Schlick helps you start 2022 on a positive note.

1. Wake up at the same time each day 

“If you set out to wake up at the same time each day over a set period of time, you will likely notice that your body will start to wake you up at that time with or without the alarm,” says Erika Schlick, the blogger behind The Trail to Health. She also recommends getting sunlight in your eyes to encourage your body to set its cardiac rhythm.

2. Get a good night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to lead a productive and successful day. “Some key tips to optimizing your sleep include avoiding caffeine after 2 PM, creating a dark room, and minimizing junk light or screen time right before bed. Getting a night of good sleep will ensure you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.”

3. Get some movement or exercise in

“I like to do my workouts early in the morning. It gets my blood pumping and my mind firing, ready to start the day. It also means it doesn’t fall to the wayside when my busy day begins,” shares Schlick. “But, if you’re not up to something strenuous first thing in the morning, some simple stretching or light movement is enough to help your body to get going.”

4. Make a daily goals and to-do list

“I would recommend writing out your daily goals and to-do list before you start to look at emails and get bogged down with work. This will help you to prioritize your goals, rather than pushing them aside when more work is added to your plate.” In the age of technology, there are different apps and resources you can use to create your lists and set your goals. If all else fails, you can always go old school and write down everything you need or want to do and cross it out as you go.

5. Clean up your work area 

“A messy workspace equals a stressful workspace. This is particularly important to prioritize now that most of us work from home. Aim to set your home workspace up as similarly as possible to your office workspace, and you’ll be set for a productive day,” recommends Schlick.

New Year’s resolutions can be hard to stick to, but it is easier when you follow steps or different strategies to follow your plan. That is why we offer these 5 ways in which health coach Erika Schlick helps you start 2022 on a positive note.


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