The Writing Process Unveiled: Dixie Gillaspie on Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Vulnerability

Dixie Gillaspie
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As a highly successful business consultant and coach to many corporate leaders, Dixie Gillaspie is known for her ability to help others achieve their goals and realize their full potential. Alongside her work in the business industry, she is also a bestselling author, with her latest book being The Truth About Winter. Dixie strongly dislikes the word “can’t” and is deeply passionate about storytelling. Her writing style is known for its positivity, captivating readers and inspiring even the most influential business leaders to push beyond their limits and achieve their “impossibles.” 

The Truth About Winter departs from Dixie’s usual work, but its timeless, vulnerable, and awe-inspiring message extends beyond its pages. Dixie is an exceptional writer; her talent is evident in all her work. We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with her.

When Dixie Gillaspie is asked about her childhood and how it shaped her into the creative and visionary force she is today, she reflects on several factors. Growing up as an only child in a small town with more dogs than people and within a restrictive cult-like religion significantly impacted her power. Despite not having many friends and being restricted from participating in activities typical for her age, she found solace in nature and animals such as dogs, cats, goats, chickens, rabbits, and eventually horses. 

Her childhood also included experiences of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and feeling different from her peers due to her parent’s religion, which heightened her awareness of the world around her and her curiosity about everything. She trained herself to notice things that most children didn’t and became attuned to energy and shifts in the world, even those not visible to the naked eye.

According to Dixie Gillaspie, she did not necessarily aspire to become a “writer” in the traditional sense. Growing up, she held authors in high esteem, likening them to those who climbed Mount Everest or sailed around the world. As such, she did not believe she possessed the unique qualities required to publish her stories. Nevertheless, she recognized the magical power of storytelling and constantly desired to become a storyteller. Her goal was to use the art of storytelling to share her experiences and inspire others to open up their lives through the power of storytelling.

When asked about the most challenging aspect of writing her recent book, The Truth About Winter, Dixie Gillaspie explained that she had written the book eleven years prior. At that time, she was in a relationship with a writer who encouraged her to write her story. Having someone eagerly waiting to read her work motivated her to complete the first draft in a matter of months. However, when she read the book to her partner, he cried, making her uneasy. 

The challenge she faced was realizing that she had written something that could evoke such strong emotions from someone close to her. As a writer, she wanted to touch people’s hearts and imagination, but the responsibility and risk of doing so became evident when she saw her work’s effect on her partner. She was not yet ready to fully commit to the story at that time. Even after feeling prepared to share her career, she did not believe the time was right for the world. However, with the onset of the pandemic, she recognized a global shift and a newfound collective vulnerability and longing for hope and grace. She believed her story could finally find its home in this new world.

When asked about her writing schedule, Dixie Gillaspie revealed that she tries to write something every day, be it a newsletter, an article, notes for group coaching sessions, or even snippets of a story or a poem. She has trained to always be in writing mode, making notes about her thoughts or observations about the world around her. 

When working on a book project, she blocks off large chunks of time to fully immerse herself in the story. This may not always look like traditional writing; sometimes, she may take breaks to do household chores or stare off into space. However, during these breaks, the characters and story continue to play out in her mind like a movie that only she can see. Dixie believes that pulling a story from the “ethers” takes patience and commitment, but it’s one of the most accessible forms of inspiration and entertainment available to her.

When asked for advice for aspiring authors, Dixie Gillaspie shared the words of her mentor, who suggested that the secret to writing was to write simply and to aim for at least one thousand words per day. Her mentor also advised against sharing any writing with others until it was ready to be defended. Diixie believed that the best advice was to write one’s truth. She encouraged writers to allow their stories to unfold organically, to listen to their characters, and to trust their instincts. She believed that everything a writer wants to convey is already in their mind, waiting to be brought into consciousness. 

Dixie warned against the temptation to edit while writing, as this process can be mentally exhausting and counterproductive. Instead, she advised writers to focus solely on writing, leaving editing for another day. When asked about looking for proof in writing, Dixie Gillaspie shared that when she starts to think about defending what she has written, it hinders her ability to continue writing for the day. 

She acknowledged that there is no absolute proof of anything and that scientific evidence is based on what has been observed and tested so far. Everything is energy, and what something is perceived is based on its current state and the individual’s perception. Dixie cautioned against the trap of demanding absolute proof of the truth in writing, as this can set an impossible bar and make it challenging for the words to be meaningful. Instead, she advised writers to listen to their inner voice and trust what feels true in the context of their story. When following this approach, the words flow quickly and effortlessly.

To obtain a copy of Dixie Gillaspie’s book, The Truth About Winter, interested parties can download it from Amazon using the provided link. For press inquiries regarding Dixie Gillaspie, interested individuals can contact Michael Beas of Atlas Elite Publishing via

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