Your Queens Inc. Represents African Royalty Through the Lens of Entertainment and Education

Stories are powerful vehicles of passing down information from one generation to another. These days, stories are being buried under the saturation of information, and non-fictional people of color especially have become far too underrepresented in modern media. Enter Your Queens Inc., the first-ever registered African Royalty character company that depicts the beautiful stories of non-fictional African Kings and Queens.

Your Queens Inc. is a company with a meaningful mission. The company aims to evaluate, educate, and express the dynamic lineage of real African women and men through storytelling, song, and dance. The company aims to spread the awareness of these non-fictional individuals through the costume entertainment industry. 

In an industry where far too many characters are fictional, Your Queens Inc. brings to life real people with real stories such as Queen Amina of Zaria, Nigeria; Queen Makeda of Sheba, Ethiopia; Queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti, Goddess Isis, King Tut of Egypt, and many more. The company was founded by dancer, teacher, designer, and entrepreneur Ekiuwa Asemota. 

Ekiuwa felt that now is the right time to teach today’s youth and adults about the beautiful royal lineage of African Kings and Queens. These days, when the constant news cycle is all about injustice, racism, depression, doubt, and fear, Your Queens Inc. hopes to cast those negative troubles aside by presenting historical stories of African royal lineage through costumed characters.

Your Queens Inc. provides entertainment and education at the same time, and for the past six years, the company has provided services to over 300 organizations, including public schools, counseling centers, special events, art festivals, music festivals, colleges, and many more. The esteemed company has been featured in a variety of prominent media outlets such as Essence, Elle Magazine, Hot 97, The Root and CBSN, Channels Television in Nigeria, Rolling Out Magazine, Esquire Magazine, Stellar Magazine, Bkreader, Thrive Magazine, and several podcasts. Recently, the company was featured on WVON, Chicago’s only African-American news talk radio station.

Through dynamic storytelling and entertainment, Your Queens Inc. presents each African Queen and King adorned in royal costumes, allowing young and old individuals alike to peek at the rich cultural history that African individuals have to offer. “Our audience will travel through time with us. Soaking in a world of rich African culture from Egypt, Nigeria, Congo, Ethiopia, and the entire continent,” says Ekiuwa Asemota.

In the near future, Ekiuwa Asemota sees Your Queens Inc. becoming a household name as a main source for culture, entertainment, and a magical experience. Cultural entertainment is a fascinating way to educate the masses regarding history, promoting the lives of real people who have shaped the world positively. 

Your Queens Inc. is a fun way to infuse African culture into events such as Black History Month, Women History Month, Kwanzaa, birthdays, holidays, and many more. African royalty deserves more recognition to inspire more and more people, shedding light on the rich cultural history of Africa like no other. Your Queens Inc. is making waves in the industry and positively impacting the world with each and every story they tell.

For more information about the company, make sure to visit the company’s official website.

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