Vento, Ziggy, Hawk & McCarthy’s Cover of Rick Nelson
Photo Courtesy: Vento, Ziggy, Hawk & McCarthy

Single Review: Vento, Ziggy, Hawk & McCarthy’s Cover of Rick Nelson’s “Garden Party”


With an illustrious history of creating harmony-driven folk rock, Vento, Ziggy, Hawk & McCarthy have unveiled their latest work—a captivating cover of Rick Nelson’s iconic track “Garden Party.” This Pittsburgh-based quartet, comprising John Vento, Bob Zigerelli, Cherylann Hawk, and Kevin McCarthy, has once again demonstrated their ability to breathe new life into classic hits while keeping their acoustic roots intact. Their rendition, set for release on July 12th through MTS Records, is a refreshing take that pays homage to Nelson’s original while infusing it with their distinctive sound.

Vocal Harmony and Instrumentation

The hallmark of Vento, Ziggy, Hawk & McCarthy’s music lies in their impeccable four-part harmonies, and “Garden Party” is no exception. Cherylann Hawk’s ethereal voice melds seamlessly with John Vento’s and Bob Zigerelli’s rich timbres, with Kevin McCarthy’s guitar work adding layers of depth. The vocal interplay is not only a testament to their individual talents but also a reflection of their collective synergy. Every note is meticulously crafted, ensuring that the essence of Nelson’s classic is preserved while introducing a fresh auditory experience.


Recorded at Maplewood Studio in Ambridge, PA, under the expert guidance of David Granati, the arrangement of “Garden Party” is both intricate and organic. The acoustics are meticulously balanced, allowing each instrument to shine without overpowering the vocals. Zigerelli’s guitar, McCarthy’s rhythmic prowess, Hawk’s harmonic lilt, and Vento’s soulful delivery converge to create a soundscape that is as inviting as it is nostalgic.

Performance and Interpretation

Lyrically, “Garden Party” is a reflection on personal growth and the realization that one cannot please everyone. Vento, Hawk, and Zigerelli alternate verses, each bringing their own emotional nuance to the story. When Cherylann sings lines like, “People came from miles around, everyone was there,” her voice is imbued with a wistful sincerity that resonates deeply. Vento’s commanding delivery on lines like, “Now if you gotta play at garden parties, I wish you a lotta luck,” adds a layer of gravitas to the performance.

Standout Moments

The standout moment of this cover is undoubtedly the guitar solo. McCarthy’s intricate fingerpicking and melodic sensibilities capture the spirit of the original while adding a unique flair that is distinctly his own. The solo is both a nod to Rick Nelson’s timeless guitar work and a showcase of McCarthy’s virtuosity.

Music Video

Accompanying the single is a visually stunning music video for “Love, Lust & Wreckage,” their debut track, directed by Nicole Windsor Ross. While “Garden Party” itself does not have a video, the production value and artistic direction evident in “Love, Lust & Wreckage” give fans a glimpse into the band’s creative vision. Ross’s ability to translate the band’s musical essence into visual art is nothing short of remarkable, enhancing the overall listening experience.

Final Thoughts

With their rendition of “Garden Party,” Vento, Ziggy, Hawk & McCarthy have crafted a piece that is both a respectful homage and a bold reinterpretation. Their ability to balance fidelity to the original with their own artistic expression is a testament to their musicianship and creative integrity. This cover is not just a song; it is a journey through memory, emotion, and musical history.

Fans of folk rock and classic hits will find much to admire in this release. Whether you are drawn by the nostalgic allure of Rick Nelson’s original or the fresh, harmonic blend of Vento, Ziggy, Hawk & McCarthy, this cover promises to captivate and inspire. Available on all major streaming platforms starting July 12th, “Garden Party” is set to be a standout release in the folk rock genre for 2024.

For those looking to experience more from the band, their official website offers a deeper dive into their musical journey and upcoming projects.


Published by: Khy Talara

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