The American Reality Television Awards Promotes Authenticity by Acknowledging Brilliance and Creativity

Beyond its unparalleled ability to entertain and amuse others, reality television has its unique way of encouraging transparency and authenticity. It serves as an enjoyable mode for people escaping  the grueling hours of the day and also portrays the significant value of staying true to oneself. Countless reality television shows have left an impact among a sea of individuals by centering their plots around people in their most natural and authentic surroundings, inspiring people to come out of their shells and celebrate life the way they want it to be.

Fully aware of the impact that reality television shows bring, Social Light LLC decided to promote these life-changing programs by recognizing their value across the entertainment realm. For this reason, The American Reality Television Awards, best known for its abbreviated name, the ARTAS, bloomed into existence.

At the core of The American Reality Television Awards lies an inspiring message that showcases the impact of authenticity in people’s lives. Executive producers Kristen Moss and Andrew Ward, the two creators of ARTAS, can attest to the power of embodying transparency. Believing in its power, ARTAS seeks to propel reality tv shows by acknowledging their efforts and putting their excellence on a high pedestal for the world to marvel at.

Ever since its inception in 2012, The American Reality Television Awards has countlessly awarded people and enterprises either in front of the camera or behind the scenes, seamlessly showing the world their brilliance, creativity, and remarkable track record. From media companies, cable television networks, and digital streaming channels to game show hosts, celebrities, and film directors, these creative and trailblazing enterprises are eligible to be nominated and be voted for by a sea of two million voters, worldwide, in a variety of reality television-specific categories.

With an intention to stretch its philanthropic pursuits to other areas, The American Reality Television Awards opened its doors to change and expanded its horizons by initiating the Humanitarian Award category. This revolutionary step sparked the birth of the Reality TV Hall of Fame, where legends are showcased for their exemplary performances and inspiring content. Its first awardees were Heidi and Spencer Pratt in 2015, followed by Janice Dickinson in 2016. For the year 2020, the Hall of Fame shall award its outstanding recipient in the months to come.

In five years, The American Reality Television Awards aspires to become a premier, and reputable awards show that showcases true talents across the entertainment space. It also hopes to become a catapulting device for reality television shows to gain the exposure they need across the globe.

If there is anything that sets reality TV shows apart from the others, it is the category’s unique ability to radiate a sense of empathy among the people. Its authentic nature offers snippets of people’s ordinary routines that flawlessly reflect our emotions, attitudes, and way of life, which resultantly affect our views and opinions about the world. By fueling these inspirational shows, The ARTAS hopes to inspire positive change and make a difference.

To know more about The American Reality Television Awards, you may visit its website.

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