Pocket Watch Podcast Fostering Impactful Conversations from Real Life Perspectives

Technology has made it possible for people to drive conversations and talk about topics that matter to them. Many conversations are necessary but do not get attention from the most influential voices. This inspired the birth of the Pocket Watch, a podcast show where an accountant, entrepreneur, and realtor discuss their successes and failures.

Zach, Cruz, and Jake are individuals with diverse experiences in their respective professions, willingly sharing their ventures with others to teach, inspire, share, and grow. The three hosts wanted to start a platform where they could reflect on their journeys and leave the audience with something to relate to and learn from.

Pocket Watch invites a guest every week to feature on the show, where they have conversations from their perspectives with respect to the guest’s perspective. The podcast dives into various topics while highlighting the purpose, setbacks, and strategies of their individual experiences.

The hosts aim to target young audiences with a hunger to grow and learn. The podcast focuses on relatable topics and conversations that border around success and failure in real-life endeavors. “We focus on being transparent with our success and failures for people to relate and grow with us while we hold ourselves accountable to our achievements and what they represent in the world,” the founders said.

The bottom line of the Pocket Watch is to show what people go through and experience beneath the surface of what everyone sees. One of such example is finding out the business model of what makes people successful or learning about the failures they have experienced, which molded them to be better.

Zach, Cruz, and Jake hope to understand every guest they invite to the show while making sure their audience learns a few things regarding purpose, setbacks and strategy. Pocket Watch is a budding project – one that the hosts and creators want the general public to develop and grow with them.

While the podcast continues to drive meaningful conversations, the hosts are focused on growing the brand and its audience. Their goal is to make the most out of a well-listened-to podcast by monetizing it and becoming an influential title in the podcast space. The hosts are set to embark on global marketing and promotion through merchandise items and other branded materials. They have acquired multiple printing machines that will enable them to create those branded items in-house. They are also planning to visit different schools and events to connect with the podcast’s target audience, mainly young and driven people.

Zach, Cruz, and Jake have high confidence in Pocket Watch and are ready to ride the waves of aggressive marketing to gain more listeners and fans. “We want to do this on a bigger scale because we believe so many people can benefit from our content,” the hosts said. Over the next few years, the goal for the podcast is to make it one of the most listened to podcasts globally while it continues to grow its audience across nations, races, and cultures.

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