Phoenix from the Ashes: How Multi-dimensional Singer and Producer Lashia Levins Overcame All Odds

Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, Lashia Levins is a multi-dimensional singer, songwriter, producer, and DJ diligently working her way up the industry ladder in songwriting, DJing, and music production. 

Growing up in the diverse musical heritage of Atlanta, Lashia’s childhood was colored by the sound of music as her parents were singers. As a child, she sang sopranos in the church choir and often accompanied her mother to studios and concerts, watching backstage as her mother sang background for A-listers like Elton John and Maroon 5. 

As she grew older, so did her innate talent and passion for music. Her mother recognized this budding creativity and supported her dreams by enrolling her in piano lessons, voice lessons, and performance art programs to sharpen her skills.

“She would also put me in a marching band and buy me all kinds of musical instruments for the house. I would make mixtapes that I would DJ and record music. She didn’t care what it sounded like. She’d play my music in her car,” Lashia recounted. 

Backed by a mother’s love and support combined with mentorship from industry professionals, Lashia Levins recorded her first professional song in 10th grade. Her angelic voice and intellectual talents, confidence, and charisma make her an artist to watch out for on the musical scenes.

Although Lashia made her debut as a young artist, her life is not all roses and sunshine. As the victim of abuse and a victim of a tragic car accident, she subsequently was confined to a wheelchair and used a cane for two years until her full recovery. However, rather than let those moments define her, she found strength, using the downtime after her accident to study to get a degree in music production and channel her experience into her craft. 

“I wrote many songs about situations that I have endured in my life, and without music, I wouldn’t have had an outlet. Every time I was kicked down, I was determined to get back up. I continue to pray and push. A little bit of faith can take you further than you’ve ever imagined. There are always guardian angels around, and I firmly believe that God will always plant your feet in the right place at the right time. You just have to be strong enough to take the first step,” Lashia said.

Aside from music, Lashia is also deeply involved in community development. She has participated in several community service events through her sorority (AKA) in support of education and global health by initiating clothing drives and working with educators to incorporate electronic music production in public schools. Additionally, she has military experience and has worked closely with the department of defense and FEMA to support cities that have been affected by war and major storms.

As a woman in the cutthroat music industry, Lashia Levins continues to push forward in the face of challenges identifying them not as challenges but rather as motivation to keep pushing.

“I’ve been through a lot in this industry, however, I use my pain and healing as motivation,” she said.

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