Oenone Hammersley Creating Art with Nature and Environmental Conservation in Mind

Global leaders have been insistent on the importance of preserving the environment for the last few years. Conferences and retreats have been held across different parts of the world to explore the different ways to preserve nature, the environment and the earth. In that context, seasoned artist Oenone Hammersley has chosen to use her talents to draw attention to these pertinent issues.

Oenone Hammersley’s unique art style utilizes hand painting with paint pouring to depict the importance of protecting the earth’s natural resources. Her artworks are geared towards driving the conversation to recognize how important it is to conserve water, promote sustainability, emphasize conservation, and protect the fragile earth.

Cascading Reflections

Artworks by Oenone Hammersley have showcased the best of nature and aim to connect with every nature lover and enthusiast. She has been in the art world since 1980 and has spent over four decades making a name for herself as a top artist with a talent for highlighting earth’s beauty. Her techniques and use of color have received recognition and numerous awards globally. Oenone Hammersley’s paintings have been featured on four continents, including Africa, America, Australia, and Europe.

Oenone hopes to connect with people who live close to the sea. Her persistent goal is to continue to champion environmental conservation through her artwork. 

Reflecting Wave

Over the next few years, Oenone Hammersley aims to place her artwork in every part of the world, appealing to everyone passionate about nature and preserving it. Although art is subjective, Oenone is dedicated to creating art that everyone in the world can appreciate and relate to.

Oenone is an artist who uses colour and light to infuse her vibrant mixed media paintings. Working on canvas and wood, her paintings feature water, wind, wildlife and magnificent trees. She portrays a world that implores the beholder to notice and appreciate the rare and raw beauty around them.

Snow Leopard

“My work allows the viewers’ imagination to roam about the abstract compositions symbolizing the unsettled and unsettling world in which man alters nature,” Oenone said.

Over the last four decades, her work has played a pivotal role in raising funds and awareness for rainforest conservation. She has also worked with numerous conservation organizations throughout her career and is committed to contributing more in the years ahead.

Green Roots

Learn more about Oenone Hammersley on her website:  https://www.oenonehammersley.com



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