Music Producer Alex Clouz Scores the Music Behind the Advertisements
Photo Courtesy: Alex Clouz

Music Producer Alex Clouz Scores the Music Behind the Advertisements

By: Warren Stephens

Alex Clouz is a Los Angeles based music producer, composer, and sound designer. He is also the founder of CLZ Music Productions, his own production studio which has built a reputation for its innovative and impactful approach to music creation and production. Having been born and raised in Europe, Alex brings a unique sound and vision to the music scene that is both refreshing and new. Having worked on a variety of different projects both independent and collaborative, Clouz has found a niche for himself scoring television ads and producing music for distinguished international artists. 

Advertisements are no longer just about selling a product but rather creating an immersive experience. Pivotal to this is the implementation of the right music. Enter Alex Clouz, a maestro in the world of music composition, sound design, and production, whose collaborative approach has set him apart in the industry. With a penchant for matching the energy of visual storytelling with auditory magic, Clouz has become the go-to composer for leading brands, artists, and organizations alike looking to leave a lasting impression on their audience.

Clouz’s journey into the realm of ad scoring started by chance but is a testament to his exceptional talent and hard work. Having focused on music production and opened his own studio, CLZ Music Production, it is his varied background and unique ability to understand and enhance visual narratives with sound that has caught the attention of ad directors. This ability has since propelled him into collaborations with icons such as Martha Stewart and Bobby Berk on Fiverr campaigns, showcasing his versatility and creative prowess.

One notable project that exemplifies Clouz’s ability was his work with Sombre during their 2024 fashion campaign, an ad that stands out to him for the many challenges of the project, not least of which was the minute and a half long run time. Clouz recalls this project as one of his favorites, highlighting how rewarding it is to see music and visuals come together in perfect harmony.

At the core of Clouz’s approach is a profound respect for the story each advertisement, and its director, seeks to tell. He begins his process by consulting the director and creative director to understand their concept for the project itself, engaging in deep conversations to grasp their vision fully. This collaborative style is crucial; it ensures that every note he composes serves to amplify the ad’s message rather than merely existing as an auditory backdrop.

In addition, within his central role at Droid Mafia, this talented music producer, composer, and sound designer has also made significant contributions to the music behind major television productions, showcasing his versatility and keen understanding of how music elevates visual media. His work has been prominently featured on CBS Sports programs like That Other Pregame Show, where his dynamic compositions helped set the tone for engaging sports commentary and analysis. His signature sound also added depth and excitement to CBS’ Inside College Basketball and The NFL Today, where the scores blended seamlessly with the energy of live sports coverage, enhancing the viewer experience with vibrant and cinematic soundscapes.

Through these placements, Clouz has proven his ability to compose music that not only complements the action on screen but also resonates with diverse audiences, reinforcing his reputation as a skilled and innovative figure in the music composition and production industry.

Clouz’s relentless dedication and constant innovation solidified his reputation as a leader in the industry. For him, resting on laurels is not an option; there’s always a new narrative waiting to be enhanced through music.

Clouz’s work also extends outside the realm of TV and advertisements. As a producer,composer, and sound designer, his work behind the releases of Nomé Naku’s singles “To Love So Gently”, “Giver”, and “Sing Me To Sleep – Twilight Remix” has solidified his place as a visionary in progressive pop music. With “To Love So Gently,” which has garnered over 60,000 streams, he demonstrated his ability to embellish Nomé Naku’s ethereal vocals and emotive lyricism. His deep understanding of sound design and musical composition has been instrumental in shaping these tracks, allowing them to resonate with listeners and receive critical acclaim. 

Beyond his work with Nomé Naku, he has collaborated with a range of artists, including Eva Rawlings, Romi Mor, Matt Ares, Thiago Jorge, and Riley Lynch. Each collaboration reflects his adaptive and genre-spanning approach to production. His ability to capture the essence of each artist while pushing the boundaries of their sound has made him a sought-after producer and composer in the industry.

In addition to his work with artists, he has made significant contributions to the music libraries of award-winning companies such as Boost Music, Bleeding Fingers, and BMGPM UK. His compositions for these libraries have been used in a variety of media, further showcasing his versatility as a composer. His expertise also extends to sound design for live events, having worked with L’Oreal to craft immersive audio experiences for their high-profile keynote speech at Las Vegas CES. Furthermore, his technical skills have been utilized in the development of audio plugins for Capsule Audio, where he played a key role in designing tools that empower other music creators. This combination of creativity, technical skill, and collaboration with leading industry brands solidifies his reputation as a multifaceted force in the world of music production.

Communication stands at the heart of everything Clouz does. Recognizing that effective collaboration is key to any project’s success ensures clear channels are always open between him and other creatives involved in every production and release. It’s this commitment to understanding and executing a shared vision that has made Alex Clouz a valued partner in storytelling through advertisements.

Alex Clouz represents more than just musical talent; he embodies a seamless fusion of composition, production, and sound design, creating immersive sonic landscapes that elevate every project he touches. Clouz’s work transcends traditional boundaries, proving that the right composition not only complements but enhances storytelling, leaving a lasting emotional impact in everything from live performances to digital media. 

To further delve into Alex Clouz, and his exciting projects, check out his reelcrafter (  There you will find insights into his unique blend of creativity and collaboration that defines his career.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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