Kfhox Completes Her Evolution as an Artist Ten Years Later with “Fresh to Death” and “Rider”

Music remains one of the most complicated endeavors to get into for any artist. This is because year in and year out, artists continue to fall off the horizon and both established and upcoming music artists continue to lose their clout and relevance. Therefore, seeing an artist constantly making it in the industry for more than five years is a rare sight to behold nowadays, especially for those in the largely unpopular genres. Kfhox is one of these relevant artists because aside from the talent which makes her artistry stand out, she remains one of the few artists in the last decade to have seen out the years and keep at it relentlessly.

Kathryn Kfhox Hoxie, popularly known by her stage name Kfhox is a singer, rapper, and songwriter based in Nashville, New York City and is well into her 10th year as an indie artist. Kfhox is popularly known for her versatility and ability to make music across different genres. According to music critics and fans alike, she is known to have an eclectic catalog and discography ranging from hip hop to RnB. According to music critics and fans alike, her music has been described as a reflection of her evolution as an artist and as a person.

Following the year 2020 that saw every aspect of the world as we know it get shut down, Kfhox and her music were not spared.  Before the pandemic and the global lockdown, Kfhox dropped her 3rd full-length studio album, “Love 360°.” However, the pandemic denied her the opportunity to play before a live audience; instead, she spent the rest of 2020 in the studio creating new music with D-Roc. In her 10th year, Kfhox entered 2021 with a new persona, look, vibe, and sound. She has been diligently perfecting over the last three years since she moved to Tennessee, where she has pursued her lifelong interest in working with super producer Darin “D-Roc” James.

Once the new year began, Kfhox kicked off with a new single, “Fresh to Death,” which dropped in February and a music video almost immediately, widely accepted by her fans. The new single, which dropped just in time for fashion week, showed another dimension to Kfhox, not only musically but style-wise. Kfhox was able to portray different looks throughout the music video. The single also allowed her to integrate more hip hop into her mainstream pop sound, and essentially, the birth of a new Kfhox was complete. With “Fresh to Death,” Kfhox had created an undeniable hit with D-Roc, creating feel-good music during a time when the world needed it most. Kfhox almost immediately followed up with a new single, “Rider,” and with a video set to drop, she is priming her fans for a complete overhaul by the fourth quarter as well as introducing her fans to what is set to come for the rest of 2021, 2022, and beyond.

Connect with Kfhox by visiting her website or following her on Twitter and Instagram Page.


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